• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Lol you clearly don’t go to the gym if you’re saying this. Went to the YMCA as a kid and saw elliptical politics that made my middle school that literally split us into “teams” by economic class look tame in comparison. Because of the death of the third place in western society, any activity that isn’t where you sleep or work becomes a third place, where people are kind of inherently judging the people around them, to fulfill this. All the shitty people you went to high school gym with are mostly the same people now, and need a place to continue their bullshit. Some will grow past this, but by that point the next generation of gym shitheads is ready.

    The only way I agree with your comment is if you said “people at the gym aren’t judging you any more than people outside the gym already do”. Maybe it’s just the area I live, but everything becomes a game of judgement. It’s one thing to say “yeah I’m being judged by other people and I don’t care”. But to determine that you aren’t being percieved at all off of this idea is more delusional than the idea that you are being percieved.

  • Watermark does a lot for spreading websites. iFunny and 9Gag should not have had the staying power they had in the ages they did, they were pretty much entirely propped up by their watermarks. Unintrusive stuff like transparent logos with a link are cool. As long as the purpose of the watermark is for the image to actually be shared rather than lock it into the site, it’s effective.

  • Asperger’s is pretty ableist, albeit not popularly known as ableist. It was pretty much the term for the autism that Nazis saw as a superior subgroup of people, from the name of a Nazi doctor. While being autistic could get you killed by the Nazis, being diagnosed with Asperger’s would have been a good thing. It’s essentially saying that you have good autism and not bad autism.

    Not saying anything bad about the meme because most people don’t know the origin of the term and who doesn’t love the ass burger thing. But I’m never gonna see the use of a Nazi doctor’s name for this sort of thing as normal and will educate people at any opportunity. It would be like saying conjoined twins have Mengele syndrome. Yeah he started a bunch of research on conjoined twins, but he usually just brutally murdered them.

  • Posting a blacked out screenshot and saying “Ada made me do it” is just weird. You didn’t even leave a description. All we see is that you got a DM and there are a bunch of scribbles over it, this is a nothing burger. It being pinned to the top of the community is weird. If you had posted the actual screenshot and made an actual point to what they said and didn’t use slurs that insult my child, I’d feel a tad different. But as it stands, this really feels like drama seeking behavior. There is no argument being made, it’s just directing people towards Hexbear.

    This is the kind of thing that Chapo got banned from Reddit over, the exact event that created Hexbear. If you don’t like Hexbear, that’s fine. They are generally drama starters, I don’t support defederation but I understand why it’s being talked about. But you can’t call their users slurs, provide no context to what they said, and expect anybody in what is a safe space to be okay with it. It is literally the same thing that makes us discuss defederation with Hexbear, except they don’t use slurs.

  • Yeah, from my basic understanding of language, it seems like Japanese is a far denser language that something like English. I’ve heard that people are able to indicate tone and other such things in a way that’s just kinda built into the language, whereas with English or similar languages it would require extra sentences that seem awkward