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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024


  • The trend of “let’s make a woke cast of characters that are all from different cultural backgrounds!!111” and then completely abandoning good storytelling and worldbuilding is maddening.

    I get there have always been garbage stories but most of the failures have all been from replacing a good story with ideology. You can’t just abandon good story with established world logic and expect fans to not be up in arms. For some reason people forget that the only reason why characters become idols is because of the great stories they are in, not because the character looks like xyz (though cool character design does score some points too.)

    I don’t really have many videogame examples of this stuff, just movies and tv shows. Games can usually get away with a bad story and good gameplay or perhaps vice versa. Movies and TV have no gameplay (depth) to fall back on.

  • Captchas have largely been solvable by machines at a rate higher than humans for a long, long time.

    It is very easy to train a model to behave like humans do by simply having a sample of human inputs.

    Here is an article from august 2023 covering how much better machines are than humans at accomplishing captchas of many flavors. Sauce