Unfortunately no. I did get a discount foot massage once though.
Unfortunately no. I did get a discount foot massage once though.
Yes people do notice on at least a weekly basis. The size difference is quite dramatic compared to normal sized shoes. My foot next to a pair of size 9s
And size 10
Have to just buy kid’s sizes. Women’s and men’s shoes are too big for me. Mostly buy online…I can tell you from experience it can get weird buying in store. Converse and Vans are great as they make age appropriate shoes in my size. Dress shoes harder to find in a non-clunky style. Work boots are non-existent.
Can you give me some of your shoe size bro? Thanks.
Yes every now and then but for the most part can walk and run fine. Windy days are a killer though.
Here’s a photo of my foot next to my friend’s size 11 foot…
Nah that part of me was spared fortunately
Thanks! This is a shot just on a ferry - this guy was shorter than me I think maybe size 11 feet?
And my feet from the side in size 9 shoes
Compared to a random print in the snow…
And my foot measured…
No not significantly. Obviously I’ve always secretly wondered this as well. I could not imagine walking around in size 7s…let alone size 10s or size 13s! That just seems like so much foot to me. I feel like I’d be stubbing my toes all over the place and they’d be so heavy as well. Saying this, I know that no one could possibly understand this as I’m the odd one out here…but yeah, to me everyone has absolutely (too?) massive feet.
I thought you might think so!
So my foot is 21 cm or 8.25" from heel to the tip of my toes. I don’t think his foot could be 4.33 times as long as that! I wonder what others’ foot lengths are?
No they fit really well. If I wore men’s or women’s socks they’d be literally sliding off my feet!
About 6" so pretty normal I think
Thanks for the conversion guys.
Haha thanks! Yes - I’ve never met a man or woman with smaller feet than me in my life.
Haha all good. Not sensitive at all! Just quirky.
Not as much as you’d think. I do have a foot massager stick I use after long runs but my feet are pretty sturdy.
I know I get a kick out of it too. A baby kick.