@PukeNukem They’re great, especially Atomic’s ones.
Warning! Do not use a standard brass nozzle or it will wear out after a single spool. Use a hardened steel nozzle (the black ones, not stainless steel, chrome looking ones)
@PukeNukem They’re great, especially Atomic’s ones.
Warning! Do not use a standard brass nozzle or it will wear out after a single spool. Use a hardened steel nozzle (the black ones, not stainless steel, chrome looking ones)
@thecitywelivein Atomic CF-PETg is absolutely amazing. And they even have some color choices for their CF filaments which I have yet se see elsewhere.
Replying to Edit2: the P1 is a great compromise! By the way there are some 3rd party companies making Bambu replacement parts. Also the slicer is open source and you can use OrcaSlicer instead of the default one to get more options out of it. @monerobull
@nicetriangle I’m sure it’s their goal, but releasing an AI can rien things pretty out of control if that AI starts thinking against humans logic. It could be a PR nightmare if Apple’s AI starts going rogue. So they’ll have to bridle it a lot.