I’m a lady; I like spiders. I like a lot of other things too, like other bugs, and snakes, and other oft-unappreciated creepy critters. I like Heavy Metal, and D&D, and Victorian things, and videogames, and anime, and I also like to fuck

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • I don’t think it’s quite that simple, though I suspect there is a grain of truth to it, that apolitical or less emotional music is manipulated out of popular and financial success. Mostly, though, I think it’s just the nature of reaching wide audiences. The “blander” (here meaning simply not particularly heavy on any subject matter) something is, the fewer people will be put off by what it has to say. If all there is to a song is just enjoying the piece of music for entertainment, there are simply more people who would appreciate that over, say, black metal, that is designed to evoke certain specific strong emotions

    I also suspect that your premise is not so much flawed, but a disingenuous oversimplification, and that popular music probably involves heavier and “angrier” themes then you are giving it credit for. Or maybe you’re right entirely. I couldn’t name a single Taylor Swift song. I’m a metalhead, and whenever I go outside that comfort zone, it’s never to pop music. I look for artistry in music, and the top 100 don’t guarantee artistry, only sales, which if you wanna get into, is a whole lot of conspiring, just not political

    Sales as a measure of success is entirely flawed in a capitalist society well after the invention of the field of psychology. When you know how to manipulate people, you can manipulate populations into buying shitty music. If you have the money, you can pay for advertising, which will make your artist seem more popular than they are, and then give you even more money to pump into yet more advertisement. It is certainly political, but not in a “we can’t have people having revolutionary thoughts” way, just in a “capitalism must perpetuate itself” way

  • This subject keeps popping up, and I think the part that’s really upsetting me besides the whole “I bought this, Capcom, let me do with it what I want” is the idea that you can have a game where the solution to your problems is blowing someone’s head off with a shotgun, but god forbid Chun Li have exposed tits

    I’m not here saying that Capcom should just stop putting violence in its games, or that it should just sexualize all of its games. What I AM saying is that the idea that sexuality is inherently more offensive than killing is straight up backwards to me. It’s not even a capcom thing. That’s just most societies, but Capcom is hitting a nerve with this

  • I don’t even think it’s about inner strength or humility. Competitors will force you to make unethical choices in order to succeed. Your own empathy will get in the way of accumulating that kind of wealth. I call it impossible because the actions needed to be taken in order to acquire such wealth are inherently unethical ones. It demands exploitation; It demands narcissism; It demands that you not have empathy. Bezos would not be where he is if he actually paid his workers and let them take piss breaks. Musk would not be wear he is if not for his family emerald mine fortune, and for his delusions of grandeur, taking credit for the inventions he payed people to have. None of these people would have this kind of wealth without political dealings with shady figures, and without lobbying against worker’s rights

    So is it impossible? Well not technically, but if someone does get to those levels of wealth without the exploitation and lobbying and ruthless business practices, they won’t stay there for long anyway, because the other billionaires won’t let them