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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2022


  • Erstaunlich unaufgeregt. Man konnte von der Shopping-Meile einfach direkt in die Demo reinspazieren und da war alles komplett friedlich. Ich dachte, dass man da irgendwie mit Faschos oder der Polizei aneinandergeraten könnte, aber da gab’s überhaupt nichts.

    Hab jetzt nicht mit den Polizist*innen gequatscht, aber als ich in der Menschentraube von Nicht-Assis stand, dachte ich mir nur, dieses Gefühl der Rührung muss doch bestimmt sogar im Streifenwagen ankommen.

    Dass da tausende Menschen zusammenkommen, um zu sagen, dass Menschenrechte geil sind. Dass es geil ist, sich verdammt nochmal zu vertragen. Dass das nicht irgendwie eine politisch motivierte Einzelgruppe ist, sondern Menschen aus dem gesamten politischen Spektrum, jung & alt, ganze Familien, und sowohl Menschen, die dem arischen Bullshit entsprechen, als auch Leute, die von der AfD eigentlich eingeschüchtert werden sollen.
    Einige hielten Schilder, Regenbogen- und Antifa-Flaggen hoch, aber es gab wirklich Unzählige, wo man gemerkt hat, dass sie sonst nicht auf Demos gehen. Die gekommen sind, um unfassbar unpolitische Farbe zu bekennen, dass Nazis hier nicht willkommen sind.

  • Normally, I would reply to the guy, because, you know, he’s a human being, but there’s so many replies, I doubt, he can actually read all of them and potentially someone else has already made that point.

    Anyways, I feel like something he kind of misses here is that many of us do it from a heartfelt place. Like, we’re all techies. We’ve all used commercial software to a point where we’ve grown so frustrated with it that we decided it is a waste of time.

    So, it’s not us saying “Why don’t you go and just have more time/money?”.
    Rather, it’s us saying “This thing is wasting your time? Here is a solution that I felt wasted less time in the long run.”.

    Yes, sometimes that does miss the mark, because not every complaint is looking for a solution. Or because we may be frustrated with restrictions of commercial software, which are not a problem for less techy people. Or even because we’re embedded in this tech world and are hoping to make it a better place, which someone just quickly visiting may not care about.

    But other times, I do just happen to know a lot about technology and a non-techy genuinely did not know about the solution I suggested and is actually really appreciative of me bringing it up. It does happen. And it’s not easy to discern who would appreciate a suggestion and who won’t.

  • I watched it on my phone in 1080p60 and the scale didn’t bother me. It’s not like I have to read a lot of text and the precise position of the player character is mostly irrelevant, too. Like, if you get hit by a train or something, the screen will flash red and you’ll react to it, too, so I’ll know what’s going on.

    Well, and I don’t look at the screen at all times anyways. 🙃

    Would like to see more of this journey…

  • I’m not saying they’re mutually exclusive, I just find it tricky to draw information from that.

    For example, I correctly assumed this to not be akin to Dungeon Keeper, which would be a city builder like Rogue in the sense of it being a dungeon crawler.
    But at the same, I guess, I assume Against the Storm would have procedural map generation like Rogue did, even though I don’t really consider that typical for city builders.

    And yeah, this fuzziness of the term ‘roguelite’ means I don’t really know how much city builder to expect…

  • Tangentially is 2023 chock full of great games because the pandemic held up the development of so many studios?

    I know, they all announced that, but as a software dev, I really don’t see why this should be the case. We largely just moved into home-office and continued working, often even at increased efficiency. I guess, building games might require somewhat more creative sessions, which are generally more productive in person, but I don’t see that making a huge difference.
    My impression was rather that they had the usual delays, with maybe a few hickups at the start of the pandemic, and then they just declared the pandemic the whole reason for the delays.

    As for 2023 being so full, the pandemic meant lots of people were at home, consuming digital goods. It caused a massive boom in the gaming industry. I imagine, lots of studios were able to secure (bigger) budgets during that time, which are now coming to fruition.