• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Number 2 is a great point. That’s what I hate about LinkedIn and why I only use it to look/apply for jobs and occasionally scroll through if I’m super bored.

    My experience in my current job are endless cold emails from salespeople who don’t even understand that I have no use for their product. I work in a field where I have to research a lot of different equipment/parts for my client, but that I don’t use myself. I had to request a catalog from one of these places which involved giving my work email address. Now I get endless emails about how they’ll ‘be in my area’ (LOL no you won’t because I work remotely across the country from both my company and my client) and they want to demonstrate their new product…which I don’t use because I don’t work in that field. Makes me laugh every time and yes it is very spammy.

  • Klanky@sopuli.xyztoGaming@beehaw.orgLet's discuss: Stardew Valley
    11 days ago

    So I played it for a while several years ago and kinda got bored with it. I got to the bottom of the mine and had married one of the characters, and my farm (such as it was) was mostly automated so not much to do there. I know there are a bunch of story moments but I got tired of wandering around randomly trying to meet the conditions to trigger them. I wanted it to happen organically without looking it up. I just felt like I ran out of things to do and there was no point to keep playing.

    At the same time, I want to play it on my Steam Deck because I did enjoy what I did play!

  • I thought she WAS in the Academy but ended up leaving…

    Edit: Yep, according to Memory Alpha:

    Beginning in 2366, Torres attended Starfleet Academy, where she participated on the Academy decathlon team. She later admitted that after quitting “The track and field coach was furious with me” (VOY: “Basics, Part II”)

    She also had to dodge several punches in the lab, which Chakotay later joked about, saying, “Only you, B’Elanna, could start a brawl in Astrotheory 101.” (VOY: “Future’s End, Part II”)

    Interstellar history was, according to Torres, “the one subject I almost failed at the Academy.” (VOY: “Year of Heck”)

    Also among her Academy training was EV suit simulations. She thought “they felt peaceful, like floating in the womb,” but years later, in actual practice, she said she felt “a little sick to [her] stomach.” (VOY: “Day of Honor”)

    During her time at the Academy, B’Elanna dated Maxwell Burke; however, their relationship did not last long. (VOY: “Equinox”)

    Ultimately, B’Elanna had a hard time fitting in, often getting into trouble with instructors and faculty. Within two years at the Academy, she was suspended once and had four disciplinary hearings against her. Even though quite a brilliant student and promising engineer, she eventually dropped out of the Academy in 2368, at the age of nineteen. (VOY: “Caretaker”, “Eye of the Needle”, “Parallax”, “Extreme Risk”)

    One of Torres’ teachers at the Academy was Commander Zakarian, who taught Survival Strategies (VOY: “Caretaker”); another was Professor Chapman. Torres and Chapman argued constantly; she even later admitted that “I was always questioning his, his methods, his assumptions, and he was always slapping me down like some upstart kid.” She was later surprised to learn that Chapman thought she was one of the most promising students he had ever taught and was disappointed when she dropped out. He had placed a note in her permanent record saying he would support her if she ever reapplied. (VOY: “Parallax”)

  • I completely agree about it being the providers responsibility. The problem is, they don’t want to do anything to resolve the issue either. Other times, it doesn’t even involve the provider, they did everything right but for some byzantine reason it didn’t go through the insurance system correctly and you have to call them and tell them to process it the same way they have processed every other exact same bill from the exact same provider.

    Just wanted to vent. I should clarify I live in the US (as if that wasn’t clear from my post LOL!)

  • So I WAS on 11 until all of the sudden my computer refused to boot with the special hardware thing enabled. Had to downgrade to Windows 10 and the mobo manufacturer’s response was ‘try replacing every other part in your PC’…sorry I don’t have the money to have spare parts of everything just lying around. 10 works perfectly fine, and it’ll give me an excuse to upgrade my mobo in Oct 2025. :-)