Well, yeah. The only way to get it is from contact with an infected monkey, or something that has recently contacted them, like a needle.
Yes, I downvote youtube links.
Well, yeah. The only way to get it is from contact with an infected monkey, or something that has recently contacted them, like a needle.
As a matter of fact, yes. I was talking to a vet at a friend’s wedding, and he casually mentioned that working with simians is a dangerous field for many reasons that you wouldn’t think of, like their herpesvirus strains killing us.
… and why I have all these strange growths, I’m sure.
But it took a few years to take effect. It was the whole, ‘the new tax breaks go away, but not for the corporations.’
Morally? No. From the perspective of nothing on the internet is ever deleted? Yes. People who get duped into sending nudes will often find (I mean, IF they ever find, realistically, seeing how big the internet it) their picture being used by someone else for another duping operation.
It’s like the misspellings in the phishing emails: it ensures only people who will fall for the trick will respond. If some model messaged you out of the blue, you’re more likely to be suspicious or you feel that you’re super attractive and a model might actually reach out to you. Either way you’re more likely to not bite on the bait.
Lol, I got mine yesterday. I’d always felt sooooo left out.
I wonder if it’s less ‘looking out for each other,’ and more of a ‘the only enemy I have to fear is myself.’ Musk is powerful right now, don’t fool yourself. He’s got the backing of a fucking government, after all. He also has, just like all the other ‘rich,’ the resources to bring an endless parade of lawsuits against you, and fund them all the way through, like what happened with hulk hogan being funded by thiel. Where the rich have no fear against the criminal law (they’re protected behind corporate responsibility and thus fines[lol!]), or the lawsuits of peasants who will run out of money after a year at most, other rich have weapons against them.
You’re a beautiful princess, hoodiegyaru!
At first I came in here to say it was a silly idea, but almost every argument against it could be thrown against other games that have been done.
Somebody’s going to have to retake the forklift safety video when the manager sees this. And it’s going to be one of the videos where you have to click on shit in the video to make it advance.
I remember before I stopped drinking I loved collecting the extravagant liquor bottles. I must have had a dozen of the old kahlua ones that were all dimpled and ridged, and the cool but terrible tasting tequila skulls.
Try Dynasty Warriors. It’s a genre I don’t see much anymore, but you take control of a general and blast through tons of minions in a big battlefield, aiming for enemy generals to turn the tide of battle (reflected in overall ‘morale’).
All the games tell the same story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Obviously just play the last one available, because it has all the quality of life improvements, but I’ll only play 3, because it’s the only one that has Gan Ning with his super-pimp sword resting on top of his super-pimped no shirt tats.
I was coming here to say this. For being a ‘game within a game’ and on the PS2, they made such compelling gameplay to go with the story.
How could you forget the best AC? Ace Combat: Zero!
I trimmed the bushes around it so it looks bigger.
Got it. I now don’t trust any feeling I have while sleeping.
Or while awake the next day. 9 pm is going to come tonight, and I can never trust again.
stealth archer to the nth degree
There are some good reads out there about invisibility in the fantasy worlds. I think one of the 3.5e splat books had an entire section dedicated to it (and I can’t find it right now, super annoying). Most enemies, from the lowest tech bandit gang to a king’s treasury, will have some idea about how to deal with it, because they live in a world where it happens, gets routine gossip on, and they’ve probably heard some strange creaks in the night (a tree branch, really) that they just know was an invisible demon creeping around when they were a vulnerable child…
It isn’t really raining on your characters’ parade to have the people in the world they live in expect things that go on in said world. Businesses and commonfolk alike have likely worried about everything from teleporting frog-polymorphing wizards to hell portals opening in their back room, and probably have some idea about what they think they would do.
Doors at night would have ceramic bowls stacked next to them, windows might have small screens or strings that need to be cut, any guard that is part of a decent organization will have resources stored somewhere to counter it (faerie fire or more ‘out there’ ideas like create water). I don’t know about your edition, but 3.5e had specific checks that would tip off people that something is around. The sound of an imp’s wings alone is going to be heard anywhere other than a raucous tavern (if you’ve ever heard a bird or bat flying by, imagine something 10x as heavy with leathery wings), because it isn’t a superb owl, after all. Even mundane things would add up. Imagine the classic bell that rings when someone enters through a shop door. It was never intended to be an ‘anti invisibility’ thing, but it sure adds thematic drama to the affair.
Yup. It’s why the scams by phone are so irritating to most of us, as another example. It’s just obvious and a time waster, but by making the scam easily visible to people who have the characteristics to not be vulnerable to them, it weeds out all the false positives the scammers would then have to deal with. They don’t want you, mr. bright eyed and bushy tailed, who is ready to catch them out only after hours of trying to get you to give them the code to your gift cards. That’s a lot of wasted time. They just want granny who will follow every direction.