… and don’t call me Surely. /insert_say_the_line_meme
… and don’t call me Surely. /insert_say_the_line_meme
Buttercup was just the concrete operations goth. Blossom was the badass. Unless you’re just saying she had a bad ass, in which case, bro, why are you staring at the ass of a kindergartner?
There is more going on in the background with cat coat colors, genetically, than dog coat colors, genetically. While the variations are huge in dogs (here’s just one breed’s possibilities), it’s quite possible to know the chances of the offspring from what the current generation are and what their parents were. Here’s another look at that. Horses are another one where there’s enough going on that you can’t always tell what they’ll throw.
because if we’re going to do anything good as a species, it will be making sure our dogs outlive us
So, funny thing about this, is it’s not at all true. I have a friend who is a vet, and he quite succinctly clarified with some good journal articles that the real issue with dogs’ short lives is we just don’t care. If we had been breeding for longer lives at any point, they would have no issue with living for decades longer than their current spans. It’s never been a priority (and might even be a poor business decision) for breeders to focus on longevity. Even health is only a passing concern for their ‘working’ period.
Maybe humanity will become better. Someday.
I’m just thinking about how warm it would be. That much air space from the pockets would create a great resistance in conditions without strong winds.
And how many boxes make a riffle? I always do three or four between each riffle, and wonder how much it changes.
Humorously, the only animal I know off the top of my head that is like us is the horse, and the only reason I know that is because of one stallion that liked to horsey style masturbate whenever I’d clean his stall.
That’s the way it is in the several company videos I’ve had to watch. In a cynical manner, it’s all about denying as many targets to the shooter as possible. If everyone is in the hall running, that’s a lot of easily accessible targets, and it’s harder to miss. If they all hide in locations, it makes it take longer per victim, as the shooter has to seek and find targets.
‘Cold-blooded’ is a term that’s a little outdated, because of the confusion it creates around this very concept. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold-blooded has some information on it, and even says it’s an informal term. Generally speaking, if we refer to something as cold-blooded, it’s more reliant on or affected by the external temperature, while warm-blooded creatures will ‘deal with’ the external temperature.
I definitely liked diddy better, just because years later I remember the ‘story’ it had, and the fun of exploring the overworld. That magical feeling of getting to space? It was awesome. The challenge/gameplay may have been tighter in mario, but diddy was just overall more fun.
It’s not about fungi making cheese. We know that bacteria are the largest component of the microbial community making cheese. The point is that aliens traveling through the enormous, barren-of-everything wastes would likely know how to use biotechnology, such as fungi and bacteria, to replicate the life cycles found on their homeworld. In ours, it’s fungi breaking down organic matter, bacteria turning nitrogen into nitrates/nitrites, cyanobacteria turning carbon dioxide into reduced organic (carbon) compounds, etc., etc. In theirs, it could be strange silicon/phosporus/sulfur forms (unlikely, due to a bunch of esoteric but important rules about the chemistry of those elements) being processed by microbial life. After all, do you think a single celled microbe, or a relatively giant multi-cellular organism will arise first? If life there is anything like here, the single-celled organisms will be the foundation of any multi-cellular organism’s environment, each contribution of the microbes shaping the biochemical pathways that the larger organisms will use merely by providing building blocks and affecting the environment, ala the sudden explosion of atmospheric, gaseous oxygen when microbes began to explore the pathways of photosynthesis.
♫ What is love? ♬
♬♬Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me ♬♫
♬Please use lube♬♬♬♬♬♬
I got 15 pairs of socks this morning. It was a pretty good haul!
That would be the most understandable portion of the whole shindig. Fungi are a major idea (and everywhere in science fiction) for how to deal with interstellar travel because of their unique niche in the various cycles of life. I would bet an alien species that can travel through the vast reaches of space would also be familiar with using biotechnology.
That, AND the software is a piece of shit that you need to wait 15 minutes every time you jump to a different time, even if that time is 5 seconds away… Ask me how I come to be so quick with this response. I’m not bitter about working with a cheap employer’s video system, not at all.
It’s so stupidly happy sounding and catchy! I find myself humming the tune when I really, really shouldn’t.