“I don’t think I should post links. You can look up ‘You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Lucille’ by Kenny Rogers.”
Sorry, I was responding to a different thread, Or so I thought.
Anyway that is a really old song.
I don’t know, I just try to do the best I can
I know, I didn’t check the voice to text output
I’m a dad so it must a dad joke. I’m glad you are using levity when you’re onboarding. New people are nervous as it is.
They probably tastes like chicken.
I would like to join this religion. Where can I sign up?
Imagine you’re camping, it’s 2:00 a.m., and you hear that noise!
I would assume you might have trouble since most of the planets are part of the federation and they have already communicated with them and so they would be wondering who the heck you are.
Someone above mentioned 63% and I wrote it down wrong
It saddens me to know that 68% of my country are a bunch of racists.
They believe they are living in a godless country. Liberals are out to destroy America with their evil atheist ways. They believe liberals are destroying traditional family values. They believe liberals want open borders so all the immigrants will vote for them. They believe those immigrants are all gang members just waiting to kill God fearing Christians. They believe this is a Christian country. They believe abortion is murder. Finally, they believe Trump is the only one who can save the country.
I bought dehydrated water but I don’t know what to add
I can’t decide if that’s funny or not. I’ll get back to you.