Ich stelle mir einfach einen quadratischen Fernseher vor, der genauso groß ist wie eine Schultafel…
Ich stelle mir einfach einen quadratischen Fernseher vor, der genauso groß ist wie eine Schultafel…
Thanks for the suggestion, but I already don’t use Google for actual navigation, just for rough estimations. I’m quite happy with OsmDroid.
Mine’s a bit closer to your proportions, although I’m not sure if Google can accurately predict the effects climbing a steep hill up and down will have on cycling and walking. The weird thing is the public transport. It must not know about all available lines, because that should be more like 90 minutes.
Ist eine Verzauberung, die allen eigenen Kreaturen +1/+1 gibt.
Das stimmt so nicht, ein Glorious Anthem o.ä. würde sehr wohl verhindern, dass sie stirbt.
Cookies required for the website to work (like that one) are totally fine and, in fact, they don’t even have to ask you about them - if they’re not used for tracking. So no, asking each time is definitely avoidable.
Not only is that headline’s grammar exceptional(ly bad), for a moment I thought the developer of Control was named Alan Wake. Like, how did they manage to butcher that so badly?
But is the letter facing the direction, or are you looking in the direction if you’re looking at the letter? So, is East behind the camera or in front of it?
Danke für den Tipp, muss ich mir mal gerade einen Bericht mit Namen “niemand” erstellen und Maimais pfostieren, damit er in Betracht gezogen wird…
Huh, TIL.
Regarding your edit, that amount wasn’t the cumulated cost of whatever Limewire were distributing, that would be idiotic indeed; rather the RIAA tried to call for a ruling that somehow those guys were causing $150,000 in damages - per instance. Now the article unfortunately doesn’t state how they possibly tried to justify that number, and I can’t be bothered to research that myself. Another thing that would interest me is how the plaintiff expected them to pay with almost every dollar on Earth.
So while I don’t think this had anything to do with “lost sales”, I do agree with the possible fines and damage calculations not being fit for any sort of realistic purpose at all.
Huh, interesting… You know, I’ve never really wondered about Humble Bundle specifically, but you’re right, they seem to be selling your run-of-the-mill Steam keys, or at least you can activate them effortlessly in Steam. Maybe it’s a case of Steam themselves handing out keys (instead of the publishers) to increase user retention? I honestly don’t know, this is all just speculation.
I actually didn’t click on your link at first, because I assumed it would just show other stores where you could purchase the whole game instead of a key, so I’m sorry that you had to clarify that.
As far as I know, they do - for Steam keys. If you’re selling your game through other stores, not just a Steam key, there aren’t any demands placed upon you. The OC might’ve been talking about that.
That’s a point I didn’t actually think about, touché. Let’s go through this then:
Before Covid (in my country at least), there was this massive push for more homes, because the interest rates were so low. Everyone was building a house, because it was so very cheap (in interest at least, not necessarily in costs). At that point, wise developers might have decided to not take on any big new projects, focusing on finishing their current ones instead of trying to ride out this bubble.
Then Covid hit and the supply chains broke down. That was sudden and couldn’t be expected, I’ll give you that. But now, four years later, the main reason (in my opinion) for the low occupancy is the newfound interest for WFH, also resulting from Covid. Who needs an expensive condo in a crowded city if you can have a cheap flat in a small town instead?
So in this case, I’ll (partially) retract my prior opinion and instead state that while a crash could’ve been seen somewhere on the horizon, Covid with all its consequences certainly couldn’t have been foreseen.
I’m not familiar with the housing prices in Toronto compared to smaller cities in Canada, but perhaps those developers need to bite the bullet and lower their asking prices, because I’d imagine selling for less is still better than holding onto dead weight, praying for demand to go up again.
On a serious note, they shouldn’t have been so greedy then and waited until prices had fallen again… This looks exactly like the dotcom bubble crashing because investors just couldn’t hold their horses.
Ist nicht ganz objektiv Profitmaximierung das, was Kapitalismus und freie Marktwirtschaft ausmacht? Wie würde man das sonst beschreiben?