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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I wouldn’t discount the possibility of adhd. In my personal experience, I know I had issues with this at one point in my life and I don’t have ADHD. Sitting up front helped. Taking notes. Doodling while listening actually helps me focus too. I have to do this during boring ass business meetings. Getting enough sleep is also a big one! Nothing will help if I’m tired as hell. Also consider getting a voice recorder and recording the lecture so you can go back to parts you spaced out on later.

    My third and fourth year of college were also tough mentally. I was suffering some serious burn out at times and I couldn’t stay on task. What helped was telling myself “k, 10 or 15 minutes of work then I’ll take a break.” I’d take a break and do it again. Yeah it took longer, but it got done.