Just your average dude. My interests include video games, coffee, and cats. Despite this people seem to think I’m interesting.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’ve encountered two noticeable issues while using these. The first is probably just shit tier QA, but the second could be that or a design flaw. I haven’t taken the time to tear one apart and reverse engineer it, so I can’t say for sure what the cause is. Anywho, about a third of my sticks will wig out and send complete garbage data when they are pushed to their maximum on one axis. Sometimes it is the X, sometimes it is the Y. Either way it makes the impossible to use and I actually did remove those and replace them. Of the remaining sticks a number of them will depress the under stick button if pushed all the way in one direction. It’s pretty easy to avoid this and it rarely matters so these ones I left alone and didn’t bother to count how many displayed the behavior.

  • That is barely even the start of what we need. It would do us better to embrace public transit and densification. If we all just switched to small cars instead it wouldn’t solve the underlying issues with car dependent infrastructure. We’d still have wide swaths of useful land buried under miles of concrete and asphalt. We’d still have urban spaces that are hostile to anyone not in a automobile (admittedly somewhat less so). My commute time is nearly doubled simply because all of the parking lots I have to walk through. There’s no need (outside of accommodating drivers) for everything to be separated by so much empty space.

  • There’s technically two different rates employers are federally required to pay. First there’s the standard $7.25/h. The second is for workers that receive cash tips. Employers are allowed to pay said workers as little as $2.13/h so long as their tips and their regular wages work out to $7.25h. If the employee’s gross pay works out to less than $7.25/h, then the employer is obligated to make up the difference. The idea, I presume, is to allow some wiggle room to “encourage a more competitive market for smaller businesses,” while still ensuring workers make at least the minimum.