• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Whoa, that actually is kinda deep. I didn’t really think about it so hard. I just saw a panel of Sonic choking the shit out of a rabbit and thought “I’m totally taking this out of context and posting it to 196 the next time I have to obey the rule”. Contextually, it’s not really making a statement about veganism one way or the other, which is why I was confused. Now I see that by removing said context, I have created a sort of Rorschach test. Suddenly the panel is open to interpretation, and it can mean whatever we want. If this thread views it as a statement about vegans, then who am I to argue with them?

  • Pac man disrespects the dead by eating ghosts, which is considered highly disrespectful in cultures that practice ancestor worship. What’s more, Pac man has a wife who is explicitly shown to be as capable as he is, to the point where the only real difference between them is that Mrs Pac man has a bow and lipstick. A bold statement on gender roles if I’ve ever seen one. In summary, this game is a feminist masterpiece that pokes fun at superstitious conservative countries. Truly a thought provoking piece that will be remembered in the same vein as other great provocative works, such as A Modest Proposal or the movie Borat.

  • Doesn’t it, though?

    It used to normal to beat your kids. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now.

    This is what the players wanted, and the industry listened.

    The reason we are having this conversation in the first place is because people didn’t want it.

    This isn’t forced upon anybody.

    They added it the game post-launch, after reviews had already come out. Anyone morally opposed to micro transactions (which as I’ll get to in next point, have a very good reason to be opposed to on principle) who had bought the game has been tricked into supporting a business practice they despise. This is incredibly scummy and should rightfully be seen as a dick move.

    It only becomes a moral problem if somebody’s choices are circumvented, but that’s not really what’s happening here.

    Micro transactions as a concept are strategically designed to exploit people with addictive personalities. This is not a theory on my part, this is legitimately what the intent behind them is. But don’t take my word for it, here’s a video discussing that very thing.