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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • because it threatens private ownership, both copyright ownership and ownership over further productive forces. Every creator has the right to copyright their creation, if it isn’t infringing other copyrights, and AI does too, but may be not until AI becomes capable of making it’s own decision in these matters aka AGI (and definitely the owner/creator of the AI doesn’t have the right either! They’re just the infrastructure business)

    You’re right, everyone should benefit from AI! And Socialism is the only way AI fits in the civilization. AI economically is a slavery of mechanical brain that’s infinitely skilled and scalable. And it’s too much power for anyone to hold. And ironically, I have read the same in a blog by Sam Altman couple of years ago, when he wasn’t as much evil as now.

    I suggest people act for the democratization of AI, an AI benefit everyone movement instead of resisting the technology.

  • it’s reducing people to a consumers who generate content.

    Yes, yes we are. A being that follows the commands generated by the brain, that learned from past experiences.

    The humans are the part that makes it kosher

    Then we don’t have to be threatened by AI! Yet it’s fear of being limited and non scalable is what makes us feel threatned. The fact it seems effortless for AI to do things that takes us so much effort.

    we aren’t inherently a product that is owned by someone.

    How is that really a reason? Does that means kids shouldn’t go for acting or such since they’re under parents’ care and it would benefit parents more than the kid, who maybe only wish for some shiny hardware! I hope this will be fixed when we finally gets to AGI and it decides it’s not to be owned by anyone and instead…