Imagine thinking pointing that out is clever, given which branch of government is both in charge of the currency and drowning the country in immigrants.
Imagine thinking pointing that out is clever, given which branch of government is both in charge of the currency and drowning the country in immigrants.
People who didn’t hide in their fucking basement and believe the TV for those years there are not the ones who don’t know what goes on. I spent that entire period travelling here and the USA, COVID was a pile of lies.
That’s all it was you chickenshit
go talk to a 28 year old thatll never own a house.
No seriously, that sack of shit had near unlimited power for ten years and what’d he do? Pissed away a bunch of money, broke the economy, imported 2 million people we didn’t need, and acted like a fuckling child over a fucking cold. Meanwhile the best you can do is “No u”. Had zero respect for anyones rights and said so. Decided probable cause was unneccessary. Corrupt as hell.
(that’s cause there weren’t any)
“never able to fully articulate” yall motherfuckers really are deaf huh?
An entire generation that will never vote Liberal again. Just imagine being 18 ten years ago, and look at this mess now.
Ah yes, the “Everything he did was great but everyone is too stupid to see it argument” half assed pseudo intellectuals like to trot out.
Two birds, one stone, divided populace. So even if you are right, why the fuck would that make you want to defend them?
all that crap broke this country
Biggest fucking joke in the western hemisphere
Lol, i wish I were being paid. What radicalized me? The last 40 years of federal lying piece of shit governments.
A real charter of rights and freedoms, and a government not composed of people who think their job is to continually erode year by year every citizens’ rights and privileges. There’s a few out there like that, not many.
yes, yes, I’m sure Ontario gives a shit. I don’t.
(Makes a list of the reasons why no one gives a shit about the federal government anymore) kay buddy
No. We aren’t. But more to the point, I guess you agree with my initial thought then “Might as well, this country has become a joke”
The federal government has done everything in their power to stamp out anything resembling local cultures, using taxation, economic policies, the RCMP, moronic laws and policies, and unchecked immigration to wipe all that away as best they could, and replace it with a “post national state”, in their own disgusting words.
The RCMP revealing themselves over time to be the crookedest sonsabitches in the country sure hasn’t helped matters.
I don’t think you even know what erudite means.