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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Only watched that episode again yesterday, I did enjoy it. It was pretty cute that they both felt no shame for it naturally happening. But I feel they lost an opportunity to make something more happen as a consequence of travelling such speeds. Could have been a little cooler! :)

    I've just watched Tuvix and it hurts to ignore how they produced two individuals with their memory intact and from DNA that surely is incomplete. I have to suspend my beliefs of course, it is a show I want to enjoy.

    Though, I was very stoned and tired and probably missed someone's psuedo science star trek explanation.

  • Do we have any user base statistics for the average age of users for Lemmy compared to the ever growing younger user base of Reddit? (Which isn’t necessarily always a bad thing, I love inclusiveness). I can’t recall being asked to put in my birthday/age when signing up. (I’m just being genuinely dumb, I would usually just look up this stuff myself but I have to rush this comment, sorry!)

    People don’t seem as flippant on Lemmy which is fortunate.

    I have generally had a better experience when it comes to interaction on here, but I do think there’s frequently degrading comments towards Reddit users, especially ones starting out and posting content directly from Reddit. I think it’s all usually well intentioned though, they’re looking for alternatives, and they wish to get involved and add content. Eventually Lemmy will become more self sufficient when it comes to unique comments or memes for example, but there’s a lot of growing pains to get there.

  • Ha dude, I’m always happy to listen to people who make me go “Did they just write this for me or something?” There’s plenty of niche things people will just ignore or seem disinterested in, it’s good to look and probe around so don’t feel too disheartened or discouraged. I’ve become a recluse over the years and relent giving up on people for so long because some people merge/find their cliques, there’s no healthy way to force yourself into a group without compromising what makes you happy. I think everything you mentioned is awesome, and I feel the same way!

    Please message or something if you want! 😎

    Just because you mentioned KSP and have been having fun with SSTOs recently, feel free to join the KSP community here too! There’s people who look for these communities and probably feel put off by it being a fairly new group from the lacks a lot huge activity, but posting would help encourage and really bring people together to show their work without it being competitive or so “established”! There’s posts from people who deserve being able to discuss their work or look at others already on there, I don’t want yours or their hard effort in the game and experience to be for nothing! Doesn’t have to be anything amazing, often people’s best work are the ones they haven’t felt ready to share/post so no judging! :)
