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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • So thankfully you’ve actually brought something pertaining to the conversation rather than the other folks. I agree googling is a tool but what the above folks are doing is what I have now deemed trumping. Hearing something they don’t like, entering in the keywords they want to prove, and then linking it with little understanding. I mean come on, they tried to say that MS not emailing parents with a profile picture update notification is some scheme.

    As for your link, yep that’s pretty much MS’s only GDPR fuck up that’s about what was collected. It was bad. But I do not believe it was intentional nor is it uncommon to find these sorts of things with many companies. Audits happen, findings get reported , shit gets fixed. This was an egregious one and they got a big ole fine and they deserved it. But it’s incident that was quickly fixed. Not a pattern.

  • Tell me you are desperately searching Google for ammo without saying a word.

    The links there have nothing to do with changing policy or not being upfront. The children thing is about MS missing alerts to parents over changes to specific property charges. It’s not like they didn’t even have alerts, just not for these properties. Real fucking evil right?

    All of these legal challenge are on the implementation not MS lying to you in the ToS. They used both of these services as documentated.

    So again, show me a case where MS lied about what is collected and not this desperate unrelated bullshit. MS isn’t lying about how they are using your data.

  • Don’t care about the ram or CPU I don’t have performance issues and I could not care less that I might be in theory 1.5 fps. If performance is a concern, turn it off.

    As for what I’d use it for, global transcriptions, better search, per page search in documents, local searchable documentation, summarization of long contacts, etc. if that’s not useful, turn it off.

    As for security, this is nothing worse than a locally cached session. If someone already has os level read and write your already fucked. Same with bitwarden or any other app storing credentials. At the end of the day is written to disk. If you don’t like that turn it off.

  • I couldn’t care less for anything made before 2016. It’s all aged horribly. Every time I hear play shadow of the Colossus I vomit in my mouth. Ground breaking at the time, but an otherwise garbage game with okay story in a modern context.

    And while not an era I’m going to stay on my soap box. Open world games without strong narrative and massive amounts of backtracking. Every open world game on the planet minus God of war(s), the first hzd (and this was pushing it), rdr2( pushing it), and cyberpunk has way to much shit spread out with little drive to finish narrative. You shouldn’t be backtracking into previous areas or sections in areas without some clever ass level design.