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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • For me its mostly the time factor. A 45 min drive takes 2 to 3 hours by transit in my city, or longer one way. And thats if busses show up and make connections. I would love to take transit but can’t make it work in a any that would mean I still get to sleep.

  • Let’s take that dude isn’t generally considered a slur which is fine. It becomes one when someone asks you to not use that term in regards to them and you continue to do so.

    People absolutely shouldn’t get offended if someone misterms them on first meeting. However if someone is constantly misgendering or what have you after being informed that the addressee doesn’t want to be addressed that way, that person does deserve to be shamed.

  • I can say that this is a common thing in engineering. Pretty much everyone I know would treat 1/2x as 1/(2x).

    Which does make it a pain when punched into calculators to remember the way we write it is not necessarily the right way to enter it. So when put into matlab or calculators or what have you the number of brackets can become ridiculous.