• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Contractions are very regional and a product of spoken English which varies quite a lot from place to place. For example, I use contractions that I don’t see people around me using like: y’all (plural 2nd person pronoun that’s missing in official English speech; verbs are conjugated the same as 2nd person singular forms), shouldn’t’ve, gonna (going to/ going to want to), wanna (want to), that’re, then’ll, then’re etc.

  • The deal with Rogan is that he has become increasingly politically activated in the past years since COVID started. People consider him right wing because he holds certain economic beliefs about the pandemic and is hostile towards Biden and Senator Fetterman. He is constantly complaining about how much he personally was affected by the pandemic lockdown and is completely upset about how people with large amounts of wealth were not able to freely move about because of the pandemic. He’s a comedian that really enjoys performing, and was extremely personally and financially “hurt” by the COVID measures put in place by California, where he lived most of his life until the pandemic. His views strongly represent an upper/far upper class perspective that the pandemic measures were stifling to his career and ability to vacation. He’s otherwise pretty open minded about topics of conversation outside of COVID, and can be a good source of fitness information (by that I mean, fact check anything he says before you really take anything to heart). He really honestly comes off as an idiot to people who are an expert in any field outside of athletics where he spews an “opinion” that often gets misconstrued as an educated position on whatever complex topic.

  • I used 1Pass and really enjoyed the native app for a while until they forced everyone to a monthly subscription. Then they moved to electron for the MacOS app and I dropped them. Bitwarden has everything that 1Pass did for me and it’s free. The only thing that Bitwarden lacks is CoreUI animations and fluid transitions (everything is instant when you click it).

    Highly recommend Bitwarden.