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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Hobo@lemmy.worldtoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldNot Sparks.
    5 months ago

    The line when Qui Gon describes midi-chlorians to baby Darth Vader is the dumbest shit ever:

    Without midi-chlorians there would be no life and we would have no knowledge of the midi-chlorians.

    Like no fucking shit we would have no knowledge of something if there was NO LIFE numbnuts.

  • Maybe don’t generalize a group of people without careful thought and appropriate caveats then? Seems pretty easy to me. You even admit that you are writing from personal experience, and don’t have perfect information, so why not include precise language to reflect that? Seems pretty simple and way more inclusive.

    Like I said previously, using precise language simply avoids putting readers that are a part of whatever group on the automatic defensive. Why not just take the extra couple of a seconds to avoid that miscommunication? If you don’t care to do that, then that’s fine, but over generalization is going to automatically alienate some readers that you perhaps didn’t mean to offend.

  • It’s super easy actually! You just qualify your statements. For example:

    • I don’t like how some people…

    • I’ve noticed that a lot of people…

    • There’s quite a few people that…

    • The majority of people seem to…

    This language avoid assumptions about how everyone else feels and leaves the reader an out to say to themselves, “I’m not in that group and they acknowledge that I am an exception.” It avoids the trap of over generalization and doesn’t put the reader on the defensive. Language like “all people” and “allistic people” (meaning all non-autistic people) only work to alienate. Ironically it demonstrates the same behavior they appear to be complaining about…