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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • (Almost) Everything is greenwashing because ultimately that’s what consumers want. They don’t really care about making something more environmentally friendly, they simply want to feel better with false claims and splashy marketing.

    The whole environmental angle that FW are taking seems OK, but if they are too expensive or don’t make a good product or fall behind the competition, then it simply won’t work. I just found out my old laptop shit the bed, so I would absolutely take a serious look at what FW offers.

    One of the things I absolutely hate about their marketing material is this idea that you can buy a module that adds a X port or Y connector to the laptop. Just build those ports into the goddamn laptop from the get go. Every extra module you add, every extra seam on the chassis, every extra cable there is, is an extra failure point in thw product and for something that is mobile, that’s not a great thing. I like the repairability angle they are pushing, but if all the extra modules introduce more failures then you won’t have happy customers.

  • Reading some of these replies in here are cringe as fuck. Not because I don’t agree with the overall sentiment, but rather in the fact that you guys don’t know what language to use. In essence, you don’t know your audience. Speak in the language that your audience can relate to.

    When she says that her pay is dependent on the company performance, the reply isn’t to talk about worker this and worker that. The correct reply to that is to point out that GM stock has been essentially flat for the last 4 years. Her job as CEO is to increase value for stockholders. Stockholders haven’t seen a 40% increase in 4 years. So if shareholders haven’t seen a 40% increase in that time, then how is she justifying her pay increase.

    And ultimately, her pay isn’t determined by her. It’s determined by the board of directors. And there lies the problem with all these out of control CEO salaries… it doesn’t cost anything for a director to increase some CEO’s pay. It’s not taken out of their pocket. It doesn’t affect them directly in any way, so to them it’s like monopoly money. You get a raise, and you get a raise and you get a raise. Every CEO gets a raise because the director that approves one CEO’s pay might be the CEO of another company who’s director is the other CEO who just got a raise. You scratch my back, and you scratch mine.