• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Der Artikel hat völlig recht. Die Politik in Deutschland hatte Jahrzehnte lang panische Angst vor dem „Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen“. Man schaue sich nur mal die causa Galeria Kaufhof an, oder wieviel Geld den Autounternehmen hinterher geschmissen wird, wenn sie auch nur einen Hauch von Rezession wittern.

    Dabei ist im Kapitalismus (und daran glauben wir ja alle :-) das scheitern von Unternehmen ein - wenn nicht DER - entscheidende kontrollierende Faktor. Ineffiziente Unternehmen gehen pleite, lassen eine Lücke in der Nachfrage entstehen, die durch (bessere) startups wieder gefüllt wird.

    Das muss man Amerika lassen, bei allem was sie falsch machen, die sind nicht zimperlich, wenn Unternehmen pleite gehen.

    Viele andere Rahmenbedingungen sollten natürlich auch verbessert werden (anti Korruption, anti Monopolismus, bessere Digitalisierung, Startup Förderung, etc), aber man muss sich halt auch mal trauen, unternehmen und Leute scheitern z zu lassen wenn ihr business model Korks ist.

  • What’s missing is what a huge difference the media makes. Once you control the media, you basically control the country, as can be seen in Hungary, Poland and Russia. All of these states have put in massive efforts to install their own cronies as media leadership, and you can see this happening in other countries too. Now it’s Italy.

    Then on the other hand, you have billionaires that flood the people with cheap tabloid bullshit, of course to paralyze honest debates around things that actually matter (climate change, wealth inequality, etc) and instead refocus the populace on scape goats (LGBTQ rights, abortion, etc).

    Far too often, „serious“ media fails to defend against the bullshit, and at some point will also report on these „issues“ as „this is what the country is talking about“. What they are ignoring is that this conversation is deliberately led by bad actors, and by picking it up they are legitimizing their positions.

    Then they invite complete lunatics to discussion to provide a „balanced viewpoint“, when there is no balanced viewpoint to be had for certain issues: the earth is round, climate change is happening, and it is our fault. Period. There can be no further discussions on the facts.

    The misinformation campaigns are massive, the astroturfing is massive, and is probably happening even here. It is too cheap and works too well to not do it.

  • Wouldn’t it be boring if everyone just agreed on everything? :-)

    Don’t get me wrong, I am the first one to criticize Google when they mess up, but recently I have observed that piling on Google is just appears to be en vogue. I think it is important to understand what you are criticizing/outraged by, otherwise you are letting yourself be manipulated somewhat too easily.

    I, for instance, don’t fully penetrate the WEI proposal, I admit. All the more I am befuddled by the overwhelming news cycle this generates, and I can’t help but wonder … why?

    Anyway, when I wrote the top level comment, all other comments were just “suck it google” in various flavors, and I was disappointed by the lack of depth in the discussion.

    In the meantime, this has changed, see my edit.

  • I do not see how my advice applies to my own comment. To me, this proposal is exactly like all other proposals, I don’t really think about it at all, and I don’t have the context or the background knowledge to judge its usefulness.

    But okay, if I try to understand it: this seems to be an attempt at stopping the cat-and-mouse game between browser fingerprinting tech and browser obfuscation tech, and instead make it - optionally - possible to identify yourself as a „real“ user. You can opt out, and I sincerely doubt that Google would lock out users that will opt out or use another browser. Why? Because they would be leaving free ad money on the table, and they don’t do that.

    So I don’t really see how that changes the ways of the internet, since fingerprinting is being done already, so, I guess, I don’t really care for this proposal one way or the other.

  • Google does not sell data to advertisers, that is incorrect.

    You are correct that Google cross-correlates some data for integrating features, but as I said, you can just go and delete your data, and it will continue to work just fine.

    Maybe it’s also useful to remind oneself that you do get lots of services from Google for free - and considering they are free (!), imho, Google is taking about the most ethical approach it economically can. (Ie., they will use your data to tune full integration of their products and serve ads for you, BUT you can always opt out and delete it)

    I fail to see how meta and twitter are so much different in the range of products they offer. Meta e.g. operates the larges private messaging app on the planet and they DID sell (or accidentally leak, however you want to put it, see Cambridge analytica) their data.

  • Well, looking at these comments, one thing is clear: the discussion is not going to happen here. I don’t think there was even one comment of substance, which is unfortunate, since the explainer in OP reads sincere to me.

    Maybe instead of jumping on the „google bad“ bandwagon, it would be helpful if people point out the specific issues that they are seeing with this.

    As it stands, we might just take literally any commit to chromium and paste the same comments below it.

    Edit: since posting this, the comments have considerably improved, I love some of the discussion. Thanks!