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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I went there too. I think you’re underselling the transporter. They acted like you were about to get on like a motion sim or something, lined everybody up on those rows in front of the doors, then everything went black, sparkles coming from everywhere, a giant rush of wind upward is what it felt like - very confusing - and then BAM, the lights came on and you were on the bridge of the Enterprise-D.

    Hell of an effect and something I’ll never forget.

    And Quark’s bar man. It was so cool.

  • You ignore my question as to why you’re even in this thread, naturally.

    Or maybe they had a point, I’m not the only one calling you out.

    Or maybe they fucking don’t. The top comment in this particular thread is “Na fuck discovery specifically,” and it has 6 upvotes. Second-most upvoted comment in this entire thread (currently 34 upvotes) is someone who says “No,” followed by “You have been banned from the community: [email protected].”

    So, my opinion about the practice of banning people for stating their opinions - as with my opinion about Discovery being dogshit - seems to be in a very comfortable majority, thanks.

    Also, if it makes you feel better to call that a “personal attack” - as if that has anything at all to do with anything I have said - then by all means, knock yourself out.

    Edit: And for anyone who might stumble upon this in the future, notice how this jerkoff both: a) refuses to respond to the perfectly reasonable question as to why he would even be here in the first place and b) downvotes me to zero because there’s nobody left in the thread to defend me because it’s been over for days. Get fucked you fucking coward. I’m guessing he’s an /r/startrek mod because petty and cowardly is what they do oh-so-well.

  • This is the kind of thing that kept me out of the fandom for years. I have zero interest in hearing how bad you think Discovery or Enterprise or whatever is, but by God you and everyone else will be sure to explain it to everyone repeatedly.

    Only when asked. It’s a legitimate point for discussion and it comes up from time to time and so what? Can’t you read the subject line or look at the meme (see: OP) and just avoid clicking on the discussion? Why are you even here to read this? You knew what it was going to be!

    The only thing that’s wrong around all of this is that when I give my perfectly reasonable and widely-held opinion, I’m liable to be fucking banned for it in certain places because people like you are wielding the hammer.

    This keeps you out of the fandom? Jesus H. Christmas, maybe you need to spend your days in a room lit only by candlelight wearing earplugs and doing nothing but reading actual paper books? This is every fandom in existence on the Internet without exception.

  • And it’s always Discovery when these posts are made, isn’t it. Because Discovery never tried to be Star Trek in anything but name and when fans backlash, it’s always the fans’ fault, not the show’s fault (Paramount/CBS astroturf the shit out of this online, imo). Picard sucks too for similar reasons, and I just said so on an internet forum. So what?

    Maybe I wish these shows hadn’t got made because they were a giant waste of resources, but at the end of the day, I’m still enjoying LD and SNW. But no, I can’t tell the world what a pile of dogshit Discovery is, oh no, that makes me a shitty fan who deserves to be banned.

    Speaking of which, let me tell you about /r/startrek - those assholes can fuck themselves and if startrek.website is infected with that particular mind virus, it can fuck itself too. Being intolerant of opinions about a stupid tv show is far worse than any particular opinion could possibly be.

  • I actually believe he’s just plain dumb - he’s never had to improve himself and wasn’t too bright to begin with. But he has something that is hard to come by.

    That culty gift of gab. He utterly captivates huge swaths of people with just his speaking cadence alone. Granted, he’s not captivating them because there is any actual substance to his words. But people are dumb as dogshit. That he has money and peripherally gives lip service to supporting their political causes is really only secondary. He speaks to them and it’s impossible to not notice it.

    That shit is worth gold. Note that everyone is pretty much in agreement that if he dropped dead tomorrow the cause would suffer a potentially irreparable blow, because there isn’t anyone else in the party that has what he has. Very, very few people do. Anybody think Don Jr. could pull that off? No fuckin’ way.

    So Trump is extremely valuable right now because he is able to get all these people to turn off what few critical thinking skills they possess while the party’s powers-that-be quietly lay the real groundwork for dictatorship. Once that groundwork is fully cemented, it will not matter who the autocrat is in charge, he will be a figurehead.