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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It really depends. If the contract gives ownership of the work created to the purchaser, he has no rights to it whatsoever. Moreover, trying to do a clean room implementation of your own code is almost impossible without help. A permissive license would give the purchaser unlimited use of the product, including resale while still allowing the producer unlimited use, as well. If the contract is written correctly, the producer might even retain ownership, with the right to use different licenses, while the purchaser would have few or no restrictions.

  • I’ll throw my opinions in here.

    If you’re publishing a standard or a reference application, a permissive license makes sense. What better way to guarantee compatibility than being able to use the reference code in your product. This is what happened with the TCP/IP stack, and it was used in its original form in Windows for years.

    If you’re making something that you want to build a community around, something more akin to the GPL may be more aligned with your goals. The nice part is, you can include MIT licensed projects as part of your GPL project. This means there is nothing stopping you from building your standard with a MIT license while building your community-driven application using GPL, maximizing the reach of your standard while reducing the risk to your community.

    Note that either option opens you to EEE (Embrace, Extend, Extinguish), the GPL option just takes an extra step (clean room implementation of a published standard).

  • Well, one time my kid said some misogynistic shit (it’s been a decade, I can’t remember the details) and I spent 10 or 15 minutes chewing him out in front of his siblings about how that’s inappropriate and wrong, with examples of the errors and results. When we were talking one time after he’d reached adulthood, he told me this turned him away from the path of radical anti-feminism.

    No guarantees this will work in most circumstances, but it did this one time.

  • People have been sending NSFW pictures one way or another probably since people started making pictures. We have images scratched into the walls in Pompeii. There are certainly issues of consent, abuse, and advertising that need to be addressed, but demonizing pictures of naked people is also a problem.

    As for all those alternatives you mention, the vast majority of fediverse applications/instances seem to be "like [insert commercial entity], but hosted by individuals/the community? How many people would be on Lemmy if Reddit was offering them what they wanted? When you have control or alternatives the odds of finding what you like improve. And some of those things people will want to share will be images, videos, and yes, even porn. But even without porn, if the service isn’t meeting people’s needs, which I agree includes no or fewer ads, then it simply won’t survive.

  • Something tells me there would be agreements between the instance provider and a media hosting provider and as such the media hosting provider would probably have some disclaimers about what they’re willing to host (war porn, regular porn, what have you). The two host providers would have to make sure everything they want to provide and everything they don’t want to host agree. I mean, there’s already lemmynsfw, so free porn hosting is already happening.

    I honestly think the whole media hosting aspect of federation is dangerously flawed as long as instance hosts are still paying for storage and bandwidth, and I’m not sure how to fix it. It will cripple small instances with popular media if they host directly, but not hosting directly has a possibly lesser impact on all instance providers, with a higher aggregate impact. Tough choice. I don’t know enough about CDNs to say if that can solve the problem, depending on how media is federated.

    This is going to need to be resolved if federation is going to grow to the next level. I hope someone finds an answer that works well enough for everybody, even the porn users and providers.