• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • 500x500 that’s huge! I don’t think I even have the space to put that in my house… well without it being in the way that is.

    Well for me it turned out the firmware they released yesterday solved my issues. Guess they shipped my kit with some new chips or something idk 🤷‍♀️ just wish they told me a beta was available Friday or even on the page itself… oh well. At least I got to share my story with you guys 😄

    What will be the first thing you print? Mine is the t-rex skull. It’s printing now. Amazing quality and speed. Really perfect first layer as wel I was literally drooling! Lol.

    It was one of the prints I was very impressed of with my first printer, the Ender3v1. Never got around in doing him again on the mini. Life got in the way… kinda regret that now but anyway it will be amazing to see the difference between both. So far I’m over the moon. The mk4 is a fantastic printer.

  • The 5.0 official was released yesterday.

    This version did solve my issues. I wish they suggested to try the beta Friday. Somehow I had no idea there even was a 5.0. I had to wait in the queue again this morning to ask for a status update when they told me. I felt such a n00b!

    And then I waited in the queue again to tell them it solved my issues. They really should implement a basic ticketing system imho.

    But anyway: What channels are you following to stay in the loop? Any good Rss feeds per chance? No Twitter or Facebook. Federated is oké but I do prefer rss. That’s almost the only one I don’t forget to check. 🤷‍♀️

  • I’m a women but I feel you my guy! 😉

    Stay strong, I know from first hand with an Ender you need a loooooot of patience and then some.

    My first printer was the Ender3v1. Pre Corona. Hell even printed things to help people make mouth guards during Corona… aaah the memories… (bit /s) What happened you ask? Well I upgraded almost everything on that one. The board. The fans. The plate. Automatic leveling,… but not the extruder that was my limit. At that point the upgraded were the same price as the printer

    And boy it was magic! The silence. The automatic leveling, man great times! Until it wasn’t. You see this printer was fine for a while and then suddenly it said: f you! And I would spend hours tinkering with it. Time I did not have.

    So at one point I had enough. Bought a mini on announce day, waited almost a year till they delivered and never looked back. Gave the Ender to my dad, and now he got the upgrade to the mini.

    The Ender? Sits in a box. We gave up after yet another under extrusion problem, and gave the monies to another model instead.

    So … if anyone lives in Eu/Belgium and is in need of spare parts for an Ender3? Shoot. I have lots. 😜

  • Yeah I did that. Didn’t help then

    … fun thing though: when I contacted them this morning again… they said “hey we did release a firmware update yesterday can you try that one?” And you guessed it: that f## worked!! I was over the moon!!

    Bit sour that they didn’t tell me this Friday to well test with the Beta but still… I don’t care now! man this printer is so ff amazing. I mean! Woweeeeee! Just amazing!

    Thanks for the suggestion on the mini update, I will pass it on or do it myself later this week.

  • Thanks. I do actually. But thanks for giving me ideas, improvements can always be made! 😃

    It’s more of a “unfinished project that is out of my hands now and I don’t know when it will be done even though I could probably fix it if…” type of situation actually. I’m not good with that kind of anxiety and uncertainty.

    That said: they say you’re never to old to learn …… but …… hmm 😊

  • Oh! Totally forgot about that one. Always hated it too!

    Totally got a flashback here, when I read that awful saying - lol For me it always felt like as a “yeah well deal with it, now keep quiet” kinda saying, don’t you agree?

    Anyway… on topic: yeah I hope so too. I think the technical issue is something I can accept. As a tech person and developer that’s my life basically; thinking about this today made me realize it’s the “not being able to do anything while I know I could probably fix it” and the “ok now when exactly are they going to get back to me?” Thing that really bothers me.

    The not knowing. Uncertainty. That’s it. Just like I don’t know when a bug will be fixed in my code, this is what my clients feel.

    Anyway I’m getting a bit physiological here, sorry about that. 😊

  • Man. I don’t know if we have something like that in Dutch but I agree: I kinda hate it too!

    I’m sure it will get fixed. And indeed it will be a really nice setup, and story to tell after.

    I think it’s the waiting without having any sense of time or unable to do anything that always gets to me hard. I’m kinda spoiled that way given I and my family are very handy makers.

    Thanks for reading and your kind words, helps😊

  • Gompje@lemmy.worldto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldHost 3D parts? [Printables won]
    10 months ago


    It even has an award system that gives “meters”. Meaning if your models are very popular you could get printer for free… or at least few spools/merch.

    Edit: forgot the contest as well. Prizes are always good and on some big ones you could win a printer as well.

    Thinking you might get a good change for both given you are clearly making good models, even if you cannot test them yet.

  • Gompje@lemmy.worldto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldTravel 3d printer?
    11 months ago

    Just my 2 cents but yeah that’s basically it.


    … maybe drop Prusa Support a note with your question. Ask them what they would recommend. Just to get their opinion. Imho can’t hurt!

    If you can safely move it without disassemble, I think the re-calibration would be minimal.

    —- Disclaimer: I have never done this. Although I believe this is going to be ok, I’m not responsible.

  • Gompje@lemmy.worldto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldTravel 3d printer?
    11 months ago

    Imho that axis is the backbone of the whole unit.

    Personally I would not do that: you will disable the whole thing. And while it then can be packed in a flat back I cannot image it will not come at a big cost of stability and loose thingies after doing this over and over.

    I would just put in one of those really useful boxes, make sure the bed and other axes cannot move to spare the stepper motors. I image myself using towels or clothes to do this, you know thing that I would have to move anyway.

    That said: it’s a great machine at a good price point. You’ll have lots of fun with it!

  • Gompje@lemmy.worldto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldTravel 3d printer?
    11 months ago

    I’ve experience with 2 printers: Ender 3 orig and the prusa mini. Of those 2 the prusa wins. It wins on every front but certainly space/portability.

    If you find a box that fits it, pad it a bit. I can see this totally working if handled with care. You can lift the thing with one hand steadily with the z motor. Spools with the holder are going in another box. 👌

    Don’t buy an Ender 3 or something of the same category. These are only good to thinker with and brute force learn stuff. They absolutely do not travel well and take a lot, A LOT of space/money/time/frustration compared to the mini.

  • Same.

    As someone who uses the actual rss feeds, reading the same feed without interaction is just … a waste of time. Clutter. Annoying even.

    Like you said: I come here for the interaction and/or to find an interesting article someone found in a channel I’m unaware off. Not bot rss feed content.

  • The memes I don’t remember but … I’m old. And…

    Reading this gave me an instant flashback of dropping my old Ericsson on a train and it just … lost all its parts! Man that was 😱

    Yes I had to hunt for: the battery, the battery cover and the SIM card! In those days the latter was bigger than we have now but very expensive.

    To be honest: hot swappable wasn’t all that cool or user friendly at all. You had the dropping issue, the dirt and grime got in the cracks causing it to loose contact. Just like a mouse ball back in the day. All that and … when it was time to change it, never found a replacement and the phone was just outdated anyway.

    Now all those different chargers we had? That was the real nightmare. Man! Very glad that is solved, even with the mess usb-c is.

    I fear this is again one of those rules politician’s make without any knowledge; or they just ignore reality. Per usual.

  • Nope. 2.5km or so but in a dense populated city 😁

    I’m interested in your terrifying view though. Maybe I’m missing something, this is roughly what’s in my head now: (1 is my home, 2 is a a cloud server, 3 is my parents)

    • 1: pushes the relevant entities to 2. Read only.
    • 2 received the data. Validation here is a token system with permissions. I’m going to use my SaaS to do this given it already has this in place
    • 2 is storing the values in a database
    • 3 gets notified of the new values with web hooks. Again by 2, something I have yet to build in de SaaS but will be needed anyway
    • 2 can sanitize the values when needed. It will absolutely do validation and verification and such
    • 2 is very secure and is the only one who will do write, only to his own db
    • I’m not sure if 3 would be able to react to entities directly on 2 but I will investigate this. If not I can push the values
    • we make a read only graph on 3 that just displays the values.
    • I’m now thinking that doesn’t even have to be on 3 yet, I can just make a very secure view for them in the SaaS. With login and things, something that I already have. I can use an iFrame to let them view it in a dashboard of HA
    • later we could do automations when needed but that is not that urgent given I work from home and my parents are retired.

    For me this seems very secure, more so given we mostly have read only things. maybe there is something I’m missing?

    Sidenote: we have Smappee as well and can access each others home through their app. We can use this at first but it would just be cool to make this flow. I for one don’t want to be this dependent of some vendor, if you know what I mean…

  • For me it’s simple: my ISP has crippled the upload to 30mbps making it impossible to host something from my home publically (download is 300mbps or more) but I do selfhost on unraid … it’s just for stuff in my house or for my privately with vpn outside. I run a TON of apps this way… I just don’t need them to be … public they are just for me to use at home mostly.

    That for me is also selfhosting.

    Now that said: I still ask the same question to my isp when they want to upsell me something: and what about the upload? The sales persons mostly don’t know what I mean or how it matters 🤦‍♀️… anyway I’ve been doing this for 20+ years now…… kinda lost hope? But nah not yet 😏 … “hoop doet leven” we tell or selves over here (translates to: hope is live)

  • Thanks, will do.

    After I clean things a bit. after live adjusting tons I to think that 225C will be the good spot. and maybe to ‘quality’ setting instead of ‘speed’. The others have no problem with nice quality prints even on the speed settings, but what you said about the temp change and the reaction of the filament to this aka it being brittle and stuff like that… maybe its not suitable for faster printing on the Prusa Mini. I will test it again when the MK4 gets here, maybe that will be better.

    That said: I do not think I will buy this brand again. hmm and I in fact just did! for the cleaning thing recommended by solarbird! LOL

    It just that… I mean: I’m from the EU, which means the shipping from Prusa is affordable, and ColorFabb too. The last one is actually free for my country. The first was out of the colors I now asap need, the second still has a very very very shitty e-commerce site. but aside from a lot of frustration it kinda worked in the end. with a nice coupon to!

    Although given the amount of people who are swearing by esun, maybe when I did dail it in I will change my mind a bit. It does have a good price point. I hope I get it good enough for certain prints and … secretly hoping: maybe for all … in a way that I do not have to think ;-)

  • Thanks!

    This must be the case then, given others can print fine with this brand and are saying the same thing. somehow this filament has more issues. It threw me off guard because the others where printing still very good. Therefore I blamed the one thing that has changed: the filament brand.

    I will clean with cleaning filament first, and then, after the backlog is printed; test it again before I disassemble. Thing is, idk about you, but I kinda got so used that the “mini just prints everything correctly no matter what I throw at it” that it kinda threw me off guard. And I actually lost some insights! Funny how our brain works isn’t it? 🤦‍♀️

  • So far I’m not a fan at all… I don’t think the stock Prusa mini and this filament are a good match. I had to live adjust a bunch b/c I suddenly had overextension and then under again. I’ve read that others having issues as well, something about the hotend not able to keep up. Maybe it will print better on the newer mk4…

    It “prints” now but it’s not the quality I’m used to with Colorfabb or Prusament. Guess I’m going to need to finetune this and use it for more rough, own use, prints. At least it does print now 😙

    Let see what the drying of 6h+ will do