Thanks, I hate it. That entire premise made me rewatch a little.
Thanks, I hate it. That entire premise made me rewatch a little.
Man, I wish that were true, but let’s be real: he’s set up to be the next PM if he can just walk it in. We should probably take him seriously.
While that’s true, where are all of Poilievre’s statements in the Trump anexation comments? I’ve seen a ton of responses from a ton of politicians but none from him?
Genuine question, though. I’m not on a lot of social media, and of course my interests have a bias, but I still find it strange that I’ve seen clear statements from so many politicians across the spectrum and none worth putting on the front page from Polievere? Did the CPC PR team just suddenly take a break when this happened? Where’s all the fervent, “Canada first” rhetoric when Trump is making claims on Canadian soil?
Good. Now do the same to the major triple A studios attaching loot boxes to every sports game and battle royale. Why the fuck start with Mihoyo?
If I can, and it’s clean, I always prefer to sit down to piss. I just want a break, man. Leave me alone for 5.
Kinda hype. Had my eye on this one for a while. I’m a little cautious what “early access” means in this regard, though. I’ve had altogether too many rogue-likes release into early access without enough content to justify it.
I understand, facing the truth is scary when you’ve attached your ego to lies. I’m sure whatever Internet safe space you found your way here from can help you feel justified. Have a good one.
We 1000% can.
Destroying the only widespread source of information that isn’t centralized in the hands of American ogliarchs is immediately worse, and that’s literally just the beginning.
I mean, there you have it. Your options are currently the American owned PostMedia, or the CBC. Meanwhile, Poilievere targets literally the only remaining Canada owned media company nation wide, while claiming to put Canada first.
The hypocrisy is naked and shameless, yet we’re looking at a CPC majority under his leadership? There has got to be a better option.
I’m always interested in conversations about opinions contradictory to my own, but I do not need to suffer direct insults to my character.
I’m not obligated to go backwards through your entire post history, particularly if it’s filled with the kind of vitriol present in this conversation. I don’t need to sift through intellectually void shit in the misguided belief that maybe, there’s a nugget of gold in there. If you feel like you made a clear, succinct statement in post to someone else, in some other thread, a two second copy paste of something you know you said, or a link as I usually do, is all that’s necessary. If you don’t want to do that, not responding, or saying you’re too exhausted by and/or don’t care about this conversation is plenty.
Your desire to continually speak with such disdain towards anyone who disagrees with you, and your unwillingness to approach conversation with civility says a lot more than your words. Either you don’t want to be understood and this conversation isn’t in good faith, or you have no idea what actually upsets you. You’re just repeating the same baseless, vapid talking points you’ve been spoon-fed, and I’ve begun to suspect that the goal here is just to spread hate.
If I wanted repitition, I’d be plenty satisfied by now. Hilariously, and ironically, despising politicians with no true understanding of what they’ve done or why is a very uniquely Canadian position, so I’d argue that our culture is alive and well.
With every bit of respect as a human being, and none as a thinker, please take your misinformed, poorly reasoned opinion back into whatever safe-space echo chamber allowed it to ferment in the first place. Or, recognize that most people will not share your identical thoughts, and you might have to figure out how to treat others with respect as you work to understand each other. Your pick.
When you’ve built your entire political personality around being “not that guy” and that guy drops out of the race.
I guess I just assume you’re a troll and move on with my life. At least I can say I tried to understand. Have a good one.
You certainly have not explained anything beyond showing a vague hatred for the government, and a deeply held belief that they’re somehow responsible for killing any sense of a national body. Perhaps you’ve explained yourself in detail in another conversation, but I was certainly not aware of it.
Maybe I can ask more directly: What do you think makes Canada uniquely Canada? Ignoring the whos, whys and hows, what do you believe we have lost, culturally speaking?
You’ve got a lot of vague disdain for the state of Canada, but offer next to nothing when it comes to specific issues. Who is “they,” and what culture is it that you perceive “they” have taken from us?
Right, my anti-nationalism spiels goes both ways. I don’t think we should feel a personal sense of shame for the things others who came before us have done. But that lack of personal shame doesn’t take away being responsible for the future. I’ve been advantaged by my forefathers at the loss of others, and that makes me responsible for using that advantage to give back. That is not the same as feeling shame for the circumstances of my birth.
Even outside of politics, I tend to preach a philosophy of accountability, but not blame. Blame is “I should have done better,” while accountability is “I can and will do better.”
Why do we need a strong, aimless, nationalistic pride to see value in having a strong military? It’s a job like any other that provides a service a group of people, in this case the country. To go back to the statistics this thread is discussing, the shift from having “an emotional connection to canada” versus “being attached to Canada as long as it provides a good quality of life” doesn’t reflect a population that is completely unwilling to work for the Canadian military. Just one that expects to receive good living for doing so, as they should.
Likewise, I don’t think caring about if America takes over should have anything to do with national pride. I don’t want to be a part of America for a long list of practical reasons, from the fact they the country doesn’t at all share my values, to the complete disregard America seems to have for the fact that Canada is about as diverse as America, and the notion of governing it as one state is about as sensible as governing Florida and California as one state. I don’t need to drink the nationalism Kool-aid to recognize that joining America would be a horrible thing.
We should fight tooth and nail for our existence as a country because joining America would be a fucking horrible thing for many of our peoples, not because “hoo rah, Canada!”
And yet, the data you’ve provided disagrees. 81% of surveyed Canadians either are deeply and emotionally attached to Canada, or are attached to Canada as long as it provides a good standard of living for its citizens. Regardless of how you or Angus Reid attempt to spin that data, it’s right in front of you: Canadians are not disgusted with our country.
Because that’s simply not true. A country is not its government. Look at literally any revolution in the entirety of human history and that’s an obvious fact. The peoples, the cultures, the social norms that give a country the distinct feel that defines what it is survives beyond any given government.
The Canadian government works for, or at least is supposed to work for, Canada. It is not Canada in of itself. I’m so sorry that you feel so disenfranchised that you seem to believe otherwise, but we collectively decide what out country is. No elected official gets to decide it for us.
I’m believe your the one who has missed the point. The data provided is being misinterpreted to suggest that Canadians are in some way disgusted by their country. A closer look at the data reveals that this is not true. They just believe that the state is responsible to them, rather than the other way around. Again, the percentage of people who value their country has not changed much, so it’s not “Canada” that anyone is upset with.
I’m not sure why you feel so strongly about attaching your personal value to a national identity. You are more than the piece of dirt you were born on. You don’t need to attach your entire conceptualization of self to the happenstance of your birth.
This whole self-loathing thing seems like something you should be looking inward to fix, not something you should be looking to your government to fix for you.
I’d be pretty okay with a Conservative minority. In fact, it might be ideal. It’d give Poilievre the time to soak the blame without the power necessary to work towards dismantling freedom of speech.
I’m sure the environment would still suffer as a result, but that’d probably happen in any size of Liberal or Conservative government.