I do not think it’s particularly nice to escalate and get mad at someone who is trying gently to educate you.
This comment was reported, please remember our only rule on this website and try to be nice in the future.
I’m gay
I do not think it’s particularly nice to escalate and get mad at someone who is trying gently to educate you.
This comment was reported, please remember our only rule on this website and try to be nice in the future.
The 3D medium had some fantastic art. There were a lot of gimmicks in movies you’d expect, like harold and kumar go to whitecastle (not meant to be a serious movie). But there were also fantastic shots and art direction such as in tron: legacy and prometheus, where 3D provided a much deeper feel of space and made certain shots that much more emotionally resonant and beautiful.
There were a lot more misses than wins, as most directors saw it as a gimmick, but not everyone did. The folks who thought carefully about how extra dimensions would affect a shot (even when it was done in post rather than shot on 3D cameras) made some wonderful art, and it’s a shame so many folks missed out on it because they weren’t able to see past it as a gimmick either.
The quantity of disinformation is irrelevant if people don’t fall for it
I don’t know about you, but I find it increasingly difficult to find unbiased takes and find myself spending more time digging than I previously did. Because of this I find myself increasingly mislead about things, because the real truth might be so obscured that I need to find an actual academic to parse what information is out there and separate primary source from other mislead individuals.
Not to say I don’t disagree with your point, I think you make a fair one, but I do believe that the quantity of disinformation is absolutely relevant, especially in an age where not only anyone can share their misinformed belief online, but one where this is increasingly happening by malicious actors as well as AI.
Just dropping by here to remind you to treat others on this instance in good faith, even when you disagree.
This has been reported on account of the source. I’m not sure it’s worth removing necessarily, and would direct people to look at @[email protected] comment for another source and an excellent summary.
Kids have been doing idiotic shit to themselves since the dawn of time. Tik tok or youtube didn’t cause this.
It’s not about who caused it, it’s about responsibility. The responsibility for making it easy to spread, amplifying the message. Kids in your class is very different from millions of viewers. Even in grade school there’s a chance an adult might see it and stop it from happening or educating the children.
Ultimately this is an issue of public health and of education. For such a huge company, a $10m fine is practically nothing, especially when they could train their own algorithm to not surface content like this. Or they could have moderation which removes potentially harmful content. Why are you going to bat for a huge company to not have responsibility for content which caused real harm?
smooth talker
One man, a bartender, avoided a fine by arguing that he was a goth and that was why he had eyebrow piercings, “turquoise hair” and wore a “black T-shirt rolled up to his chest”.
There is stuff that’s hard to understand and or get the context right and then there’s the holocaust.
Absolutely. It was a difficult comment to write, because I suspect I fall closer to your opinion than it may seem absent any context of what I’ve spoken on and I don’t want it to seem like I’m arguing in favor of being tolerant of the intolerant (we absolutely should not - punching Nazis is good and correct). The comment is more about how shades of gray do exist even if the stakes are high and our tolerance for these shades of gray should be fairly low.
On principle I want to agree with you, and I also think that there’s a point at which someone knows or has done enough that they have responsibility for their beliefs and actions.
But at the same time, we have to recognize that there is propaganda, that people tell themselves lies to justify things which they then tell as lies to others, that folks sometimes are so busy scrambling to survive that they don’t have time to sit and think through their beliefs and actions. I do genuinely believe there are many folks that are mislead and that there’s a spectrum of how harmful and hateful your actions can be.
If I think back to my own childhood, for example, there were periods of time where I held and parroted beliefs that were harmful- racist, sexist, and bigoted. I was privileged enough to have time, space, and resources to evaluate these ideas and realize their harm and change my behavior. But there was a period in time where some of these beliefs, if shared online, would have had people rightfully upset. I think there are folks out there who might be accused of sympathizing with bigotry on specific issues because they don’t know any better and I think there are folks out there who need to take responsibility for the bigotry they are causing and have clearly crossed over into being bigoted from being just a sympathizer.
Elon has clearly crossed that line, long ago. There’s certainly responsibility that comes along with action- devoting resources and spreading hateful speech on a global scale with a platform has real consequences and he deserves all the hate he is receiving. But I do think there are folks out there who haven’t crossed over that line quite yet and that there’s a gray area which some folks exist in where they aren’t causing enough damage or harm where one could be called a sympathizer due to their uneducated, ignorant, or unquestioned beliefs.
There are a lot of people out there struggling to put food on the table, to afford rent, and to pay their medical bills. When you have no other options, does it matter whether the pay is great or whether it will break you? When the problem today is surviving, you can ignore the problems it creates for tomorrow.
Would love to see better standards around wattage and throughput, but my understanding is they are trying to work towards that already! Unfortunately that’s a problem for all USB cables and has been a problem since they started adding additional specs besides 5v/1.5a so it can be the next problem they tackle now that they’ve standardized an interface 😄
The Michael Bay method of video game production - overproduced with no substance
The discussions on this have kind of gone off the rails, so I’m locking this post. Please don’t sling insults at each other because you have a disagreement about what is or isn’t propaganda and stop being weirdly defensive of countries as a whole - none of them are a monolith, they are all ran by people.
Interesting thought piece on the importance of interconnection and what is lost when the connections are obscured. I just wish more people in charge of creating AI were spending more time thinking about what we lose in this compression. Thanks for the link, I appreciated the read.
At what point does indirectly become directly? I think what’s most important here is intent - this man was clearly knowledgeable enough to know he was causing harm and still chose to do so in order to increase shareholder profit. There is malice here no matter how you slice it.
Good study, findings aren’t super surprising. Wish the n was a bit larger and wish there were more statistics in the analysis (hard to draw a conclusion with no p-values), but I suspect because the n was so small nothing met statistical validity. Either way it’s an interesting look at additional/more data and I hope it inspires more in depth research.
omg this is so cute! I wish I had a top like that
My dude, I told you to chill and take a step back. People were reporting you for being confrontational. I flagged my comment to help you understand that this was me helping you understand how we do things on Beehaw. If you think someone reminding you of the rules, asking you to take a step back, asking you to not be confrontational and doing their best to treat your comment with good faith and providing you educational material is “rude and condescending” or that it is “talking down to others” then you’re probably not a good fit for this instance.
I’m going to time you out from our instance for 7 days. Please take that time to reflect. If you repeatedly show this behavior on our instance, you may find yourself with longer timeouts or even being removed.
Hey there, I’ve removed this comment because it reads as rather aggressive (and was reported for such). Maybe take a step back and re-assess if you’re treating others with good faith and be(e)ing nice.
that still doesn’t make this about colonialism because this is about capitalism.
FYI- there is wide overlap between these two and they are not mutually exclusive. If you’re unfamiliar with the use of these terms, you should ask how they are defined or how they are being used, rather than pushing a pedantic lens on the words definition.
To me it seems the original comment was simply someone providing an example of how binary trans folks can be upset at being referred to as they/them, an experience that many have also shared in here. Those who have chimed in have even stated it is mostly a pet peeve or an annoyance at best. I’m not sure I share your opinion that anyone was getting their “panties in a twist” so much as they were educating and sharing, which is completely reasonable on a website of this size in an area where folks who are not queer can read and comment.
Your response makes plenty of sense given the severity of problems happening right now. I wonder, however, if your energy is not better spent elsewhere? Infighting does not serve anyone, something which I see even you preaching, yet you are even replying to my comment where I simply am reminding you to be nice (which I made as an admin only because you were reported) with strong language deriding your fellow queers and allies.