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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Furbag@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneat least rule
    2 months ago

    Off the top of my head - male, female and nonbinary meet the criteria of “at least three” and are probably the most well known. But I imagine a straightforward answer like that would not have satisfied some right wing mouthpiece and they would then intentionally try to conflate sex with gender to make Biden look bad when they take it out of context on the evening news (not that proper context would have mattered to the people watching it anyway).

  • Of course he didn’t want the lightsabre that he’d already given up. Wouldn’t it be even weirder for him to be all “oh, thank you so much for giving me back the sabre I purposefully discarded after I tried to murder my nephew and turned him away from the light, it would look great on my wall!”

    That was actually Anakin’s lightsaber, the one given to him by Ben that he lost in the duel on Bespin, that most people presumed was lost forever after having been shunted out of a trash chute into the atmosphere of a gas giant. He didn’t make a conscious decision to give that one up, though I understand his reluctance to accept any lightsaber in the first place what with everything that happened that we learn about throughout the movie, but the casual toss-over-the-shoulder for laughs was pretty inappropriate considering the tone of the same scene at the end of 7, explicitly framed in such a way implying that Luke had an emotional reaction to seeing either Rey or the Lightsaber again.

  • It’s hard to come up with a specific answer for this because everyone is different. I think you might be better served by asking this same question to a qualified therapist who can help you work through it. It could be as simple as “You need to force yourself to get up and get more exercise” or as complex as “You have clinical depression and you should be medicated if you want to feel normal again”.

    For me, I used to feel the same way after work. I would just come home and veg out, not care about much of anything, and take very little joy even in things I liked. The thing that snapped me out of it was my failing health causing me to be forced to switch up my diet and go to the gym a few times a week. It wasn’t easy to get started, but once I was about 2-3 weeks into my new routine I was feeling more energetic and motivated. I noticed I was getting better sleep too which made me feel ready to tackle the day every morning that I woke up for work rather than dread going in.

    Again, your mileage may vary, I would strongly advise to speak to a doctor if you are having difficulties with this issue to the point where it’s negatively impacting your quality of life. Don’t put it off until your health is impacted like I did.

  • Furbag@lemmy.worldtoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldI'm getting old
    3 months ago

    Star Wars isn’t bad because of “woke” inclusivity. It’s bad because the people who were supposed to be responsible for carefully curating and engineering both the past and future lore of the universe were at the very best taking a maverick approach to storytelling and at worst actively trying to to sabotage the canon for the sake of their own selfish artistic pursuits.

    I don’t dislike the nu-trilogy because it makes an effort to include women and minorities in leading roles. I dislike it because it’s an incoherent mess of a story that doesn’t mesh at all with what came before it, and the only thing holding it together is the veneer of Star Wars, but only the parts that made Star Wars iconic and not necessarily the ones that made Star Wars good.

  • Yeah, this was my first thought as well as soon as I read the image. We have tons and tons of literally empty housing units. Even if you take away the ones that are only temporarily vacant while searching for a new tenant, you’re still left with a bunch of housing units that sit empty, waiting to be flipped for a profit by real estate investors.

  • Hmm, I suppose you’re right. I don’t know why sci-fi purists are okay with that explanation when logically nothing can move faster than the speed of light. I’ve seen more debate over whether a blaster is a laser weapon or a plasma weapon. I guess they had a hard time reconciling the line from Han about how the Falcon does “Point five past light speed”. At this point, I’ve accepted that hyperspace and FTL travel in Star Wars is basically just the wild west and nobody is trying to clarify how any of it actually works, they just want to have cool scenes.

  • It’s sad that we don’t really get to see Stormtroopers at their peak outside of that one scene on the Tantive IV and that Disney nu-canon has essentially embraced the meme of them being inaccurate.

    I think the way the story is constructed clashes with the way movies are filmed for entertainment. We are explicitly told that the Stormtroopers are a force to be feared, and shown that exactly one time, but the narrative requires a bunch of nameless faceless mooks for the heroes to mow down during their action scenes because that’s more entertaining, so the Stormtroopers fill both roles and it gets muddled along the way.

    As for the Tusken sniper who took out Teemto on the podracing circuit, I’d chalk that up to a lucky shot. There were a few of them shooting, and it was a target rich environment, an he was the only one to get nailed in the engine and suffer a catastrophic failure despite it being a multi-lap race.

  • It’s both. I think “jumping to lightspeed” is an in-universe misnomer for jumping to Hyperspace. Han Solo misuses the terminology the first time we’re introduced to the concept (so does Kenobi, for that matter), but in that same scene he does make a distinction between lightspeed and hyperspace. The ship still needs to accelerate to something very close to light speed to slip into the parallel hyperspace dimension, so it kinda tracks between the two concepts.

  • There were two heroes that were released as Xbox exclusive DLC back during the original release - Kit Fisto and Asajj Ventress. The mod added them into the PC version by reskinning Ki Adi Mundi and Ayla Secura respectively. The Aspyr release uses the reskinned versions from the mod rather than the official models from Pandemic/Lucasarts which they presumably had permission to use but chose not to despite the fact that the original models don’t have graphical errors and do have the correct fighting style/animations.

  • He’s the reason we got Trump in 2016. He likes to pick and choose which facts to leak and which to keep concealed in order to further his own agenda. Not to mention he gets this information by stealing it, not because he’s privvy to it.

    Edward Snowden is far more deserving of recognition for his whistleblowing. He didn’t do it to personally profit from it, just because he knew it was the right thing to do.