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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Fungah@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    3 months ago

    I can’t wear wool. It physically hurts and causes a rash. I want to like wool. I want to wear wool. I can appreciate that wool is good. But even cashmere I’d like sandpaper.

    I think we all know what the solution is. We need to genetically engineer a sheep that is 15 times as big with wool 200 times softer the reproduces by laying eggs, and make it so that it produces mostly drone sheep that are able to care for it without human intervention, grooming it attentively and instinctually building large hives out of the coarse wool we currently call wool, so that all we have to do is harvest the total wool to have cuddly soft garments in cute colors.

  • You’re misunderstanding my use of the phrase.

    I’m using it in the context or immersing in something you have no understanding of. I just dove right into and skipped most of the intro type stuff.

    You’re using the phrase to talk about relative complexity / difficulty not how I’ve usually heard it used but it makes sense.

    Like. Most people learning python start with hello world. I spent too many hours learning to own hot encode a 500gb dataset of reddit porn and tweak stylegan 3 a bit to train it on porn. None of which is remarkable objectively but there were a lot of very basic things I needed to learn to finish the task. That’s what I mean by jumping in the deep end - throwing yourself into something you are probably poorly or il equipped for and just figuring it out as you go.

    There is a deep end of coding complexity of course, but, different kind of deep end.

  • Fungah@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldLinux users when
    6 months ago

    When I needed to use chrome (ugh) to run a program I just compiled I googled chromium… which didn’t work… so I tried troubleshooting it. But I don’t understand c. Or why it didn’t work I can’t remember what happened next but it took hours.

    I have ungooohlef. Chromium now though which is great.

  • … Um.

    Well. This post has been eye opening and maybe a little disturbing.

    Anyway I work in sales and eye contact is a must. I find it really hard to pay any attention to what people are saying when I’m looking at them but I’ve practiced enough that there’s, like, a subroutine in my brain that that picks out the relevant information in a conversation while I consciously am not really engaged in a meaningful way. I’ll ask the right questions and it seems like I’m paying attention but I’m really just running on auto pilot.

    I’ll finish a video conference or in person meeting thanking God for transcription software because I can’t recall a fucking thing they talked about.

    I’ve realized in life that nobody cares about what’s actuallly happening. They are about what looks like it’s happening. I don’t understand it and I never will but everyone wants you to lie to them, constantly. So just give the people what they need.

    Once I realized this life got a lot smoother.

  • It’s the most stable distro I’ve used so far. Manjaro just seems like it’s a ticking time bomb just waiting for borked o’clock to come. I couldn’t get Nvidia drivers working on fedorat all. Ubuntu was just slow as ass. I don’t know why. But it was just fucked from junk street. I’ve given it a go a few times. Just slow wet ass. Kali is snappy and clean but not meant to be a daily driver. Not would I use it as one.

    Mint works. It’s relatively snappy. I like the gui. It’s customizabe.