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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Even she quoted this:

    The chairman of Trudy Steuernagel’s department rose at her memorial service to proclaim, “Autism doesn’t equal violence.” And this probably is mathematically correct: Autism does not always equal violence.

    I want to see if there is anything else Sky and Andrew could have. I also want to see what kind of therapies, like if behavioral therapy was involved.

  • I’m not a psychologist, so anyone, please correct me if I am wrong.

    It’s a form of people pleasing which is a characteristic of autism.

    Not knowing when someone wants to help you or just is just helping you without any benefit to them is a deficit in social communication.

    I don’t like to assume things but do you like helping people but don’t like it when people you?