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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2022


  • They are lying, or to be more exact, lying by omission. Of course there is bone density differences, on top of the obvious skeletal ones. The “hormones will change their muscles,” is a red herring. Muscle fiber density remains unchanged, drugs or no drugs, all they have to do is go to the gym and they will develop musculature that is different to actual women. This is why they seem to olpy focus on “muscle mass,” over muscle fiber density. No way they do not know the difference.

    Not to mention that the argument that we should okay giving developing children/teens hormones is also a false argument. Since when are we okay risking chemically castrating children? Which will either affect them biologically and/or mentally during such important time of their lives. There is next to 0% objective research on the subject. Despite what proponents would like people to believe. For feelings does not equate empirical research.

    So is centre of gravity, and other factors, that can play a role in sports. Men will always develop more upper body strenght over women. They are cherry picking arguments hoping that most people who do not know a lot of Human Anatomy will fall for it. In order to gain public opinion. It’s underhanded, or at least it looks like it.

    Hell, even skin elasticity and skin patterns are different between men and women.