Migleemo a’ Trois, in 3… 2… 1…
Sorry I’m a bit late
Migleemo a’ Trois, in 3… 2… 1…
Huh… I just assumed the Andy Dick hologram was so much more pushy that it got the other one deprecated out of pettiness.
Dark Matter
I knew people with NiMh batteries for their RC cars\planes\boats, but the first time I ever saw NiMh AAs, was in a GameGear.
Yeah, Sony lost me when they broke my Linux install and degraded the DVD playback functions, within six months of me buying my PS2. Similarly, the last “good” smartphone I had, was the Palm Treo (650p\680p\Centro); since then, I’ve never had a single phone that granted direct hardware access & allowed unloading/sideloading the OS by default.
Manufacturers want deep control these days; way beyond mere root permissions.
Likewise… I haven’t bought a game on optical media since the Wii.
Hm… I’ve never bought PC software on a disc…!?
And yet I have all these old Windows & Office & game discs… Man, hoarding tech is a weird habit.
Man, I hear “disc drive” & I think “hard disc drive”. I’ve connected optical drives when USB boot wasn’t supported, but the last time I voluntarily used a disc drive was to test an M-Data disc burned to silicon. But yeah, none of these new devices have a HDD or optical (or floppy disk, for that matter).
Those are not discs.
Less “not optimized”, & more “not supported”; IE, accelerations that don’t turn on, because companies like Intel, Broadcom, Samsung, & NVidia, have a long history of only giving preferred partner devteams, prerelease hardware access, much less any peeks at unobfuscated firmware.
Steam is even helping to push more people to Linux, by ending Steam support on WIn7, this January 2024.
I would probably have left Win7 running on several older machines, but like XP it’s become so widely unsupported that I can’t really condone using it online anymore even if the app-services allowed it. Unlike XP, there’s a lot of apps that would run fine on Win7 if supported; but like XP there’s just not much incentive for a dev to support such an old OS except as a pet project.
Win ≥8 is awful; I’ve helped Win10 users recover from the most insanely unacceptable issues I’ve ever seen in ≥35 years of using computers, with absolutely useless official responses made in each case. I will never poison one of my own machines with something so heinous as Win10, just for the sake of a game. And other than games, I don’t see a compelling use case for Windows anymore.
So, Linux, & holding out hopes for decent Steam action on Linux, I guess!?
Is it bad etiquette to link directly to the comic? I don’t see any other monetization on it; seems promotional?
Aren’t the TAS episodes literally the TOS scripts they didn’t get to do?
Notably “the soft weapon”…
(Are those Caitians? No, Kzinti!)
Anyway, given that it’s the original cast doing the voice acting, I like to think of TAS as “the rest” of TOS.
Star Trek TOS: 3 seasons
Star Trek TAS: 2 seasons
Star Trek TNG: 7 seasons
Star Trek DS9: 7 seasons
Star Trek Voy: 7 seasons
Star Trek Ent: 4 seasons
Star Trek Dis: 4 seasons
Star Trek ST: 2 seasons
Star Trek Pic: 3 seasons
Star Trek LD: ≥4 seasons
Star Trek Pro: ≥1 season
Star Trek SNW: ≥2 seasons
Hmm, what’s next? A DS9+Ent crossover show, to round out the “peak Trek nostalgia” lineup?
Personally, my pick would be to see a crew of scrappy Terrans find their way to the good lucky universe, rather than “Starfleet Academy” kids… We have Prodigy for that?
If you think that’s rough, try watching CBS Sunday Morning.
I swear to god, that free show that airs on broadcast TV, must be one of the hardest currently running shows to stream.
Well, that & “Shaka Ilembe”
Edit: I say Sunday Morning is hard to stream, because the CBS streaming app repeatedly fails to load the right segment after a commercial break, starting the show over at the beginning; if you skip forward from there, it shows another commercial break after you try to seek. Our last viewing of this 90-minute show, took 3.5 hours.