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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Strange that a bunch of aerospace and mechanical engineers believe it is

    It's not that strange. There are lots of people willing to con others out of investment money.

    who probably doesn't even work on STEM

    You're wrong there

    I can't tell if you genuinely think you're smarter than these people or if this is just the classic "space craft are stupid!" Rhetoric that's become popular since Musk started SpaceX.

    I don't think I'm smarter than these people. I think I'm smarter than the people being conned by these people. Spacecraft certainly aren't stupid. A lot of what SpaceX has done in spite of Musk has been amazing to see. Their rocket engine development is some of the coolest stuff out there. It's too bad that the company is led by a con man who makes grandiose claims that they'll never live up to.

  • Like almost everything, this announcement sounds more like green washing.

    For your wood example, wood is actually a great green resource. It’s not like they’re cutting down the old growth trees anymore. They selectively cut and they have tree farms. Trees are also not as good of a carbon sync as people tend to think they are. Yes, they absorb carbon over their lifetime, but when they die, they rot and release it back into the atmosphere. The carbon we’re worried about is the stuff that came out of the ground that was there for millions of years, which is far longer than a tree lifespan.