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The Five Filters of the Propaganda Model
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Biji biji!
Is there a clear business model? It seems like the goal is to make it free for collectives and non-profit use, and then collect fees from for-profit companies. The CC-NC-SA has an obvious business case because not everyone has the capability to set up and use the software, but it’s popularity can create a secondary market for people to pay for other people to host it for them -> leading to revenue. Basically the Freeware model with the addition of the source being open. With art it creates a carve-out for copyright that allows free sharing, but once the art is used in a commercial context, the artist should get a cut of the revenue.
But if there’s a secondary market of collectives providing that service without the need to pay, wouldn’t they out-compete a privately owned service that pays for the software? Why would a privately owned service fund a software company that doesn’t want them to exist? Likewise, why would a corporation use an artist’s work that was shared under this license?
Succinct and eloquent.
I think this would be a difficult sell, in part because not only would you need to write ironclad terms, you’ve need a whole new organization to enforce it. I don’t think the Free Software Foundation would endorse it.
I could see a similar thing working with art and literature though - Creative Commons already has a non-commercial license, so creating a new category of restricted artistic license doesn’t seem too far off from what they’ve already endorsed.
I’m a fan of the documentaries of Adam Curtis on Bernays, but merely educating people about the history of Propaganda/Public Relations/Advertising provides no useful skills for liberating yourself from harmful thinking patterns that benefit the rich and powerful. Merely knowing about it does not immunize you from it, and worse, may give you false confidence.
A good place to start to understand how propaganda works in a modern nation is understanding the propaganda model. A good documentary about this is Manufacturing Consent.
Protons orbit a nucleus now?
Worse. Wisconsin domain’d a bunch of people off their land and spent a billion dollars of state money, and Foxconn still nope’d the fuck out.
The named people are merely the central facilitators of the scheme. The general lack of consequences for the uber-wealthy named in the papers has been an ongoing theme, the lackeys getting away without a conviction is just the cherry on top.
Wunderbare Neuigkeiten!
@disguy_ovahea has no idea what he’s talking about. He apparently attended a couple of protests and thinks he’s now an expert on social change.
A horse race has about as much to do with women’s right to vote as Stonehenge does with climate change, but that didn’t stop Emily Davison’s direct action at the 1913 Epsom Derby from being a watershed moment in the struggle for women’s suffrage.
There were very similar conspiracies popular during the suffragette struggle, the civil rights era, and the gay rights movement. They were all just as embarrassing as this one is now.
This kind of spectacle activism has a long history of creating political change while minimizing violence. Pigeon-holing these brave people as pawns in some MAGA-style conspiracy de-humanizes them and makes it easier to ignore their serious message.
Does invidious work for you?
At the last family reunion, my mother and I were in charge of making all the food. We spent 3 days getting all of the groceries, and stacked fruits and vegetables in the family room, filled the bathtub with ice to keep the meat, and stacked the drinks in the garage.
We fried the meat, boiled the noodles, mixed the salad, and cooked the chili. The entire counter and range were covered in pots and pans. Most of the intermediate cookware had been rinsed and was in the process of going through the dish cycle while we were setting tables out in the yard, when my Mom realized she hadn’t made any red pea soup. Her brother was flying in from the island for the occasion and she knew it was his favorite. The bag of peas had hid under a couch pillow, and we missed it while making the rest of the meal.
We didn’t have enough time to wait for the cleaning cycle to finish, so I dumped out a shallow stainless steel flower vase and put that over the flame. There was no time to soak the peas, so my mom just mixed them raw with the broth, yams, carrots, milk, and spices, and then transferred them to a clean bowl once the cycle was complete. The soup didn’t look right, though. The peas and broth are supposed to have a full ruddy color, but the result was a much darker red like a beet.
When uncle arrived he was really pleased to see we’d kept him in mind, but after the event was over and everyone had gone home, we found a pile of wet peas dumped behind some bushes. I learned a very important lesson that day: Those who make peas full-red solution in posse bowl, make violet-red solution inedible.’s criticisms and tone are valid, but it looks FUTO has taken down their ill-advised license page and are using an unmodified AGPL.
I’m struggling to assign malice here; Louis is a hardware guy, and not every software person is really up on what distinguishes free software from freeware. FUTO seems like a pretty small shop; I’d give them a pass on this one.
Is this what you’re talking about? Is AGPL controversial now?
When did Louis “Right to Repair” Rossmann become the bad guy?
Who’s on first?
The 8-track version hits harder.