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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • And outlook, totally agree. How about this one? I have a right hand view with my calendar. Sometimes it goes away just when I minimize outlook. I have it specifically set, and wtf outlook, did you just forget it was there? I have to go back in and reset it. Sometimes when I bring outlook back up, the text is super tiny like it’s some microscopic font. I have to close and reopen just for it to go back to normal. What else, how about the time on older messages? It just shows the date in the message, and it’s almost impossible to just see the time of the email, which is vital information. Or how about the fact that outlook is basically spying on me, and they aren’t even sneaky about it since it sends me an email with their findings on my “behavior”. I don’t need you to tell me how much I worked, or when I have free time. I fucking know… And here’s my number one peeve about microsoft… let me start a fucking sentence with a lowercase letter!!! Why does every fucking microsoft product think that it needs to autocorrect me when I am intentionally trying to do something. I try and list commands that are case sensitive in a document or email, and it erroneously fucking capitalizes them. EVERY FUCKING TIME…

  • Lets just put it this way, the new teams has been a gigantic pain in the ass. Par for the course I guess. I have a list of things microsoft that are just frustrating and even moreso because our team that deals with these things just stand there like they are waiting for a bus. For instance, I had onedrive showing a message for over a year and a half that it was “processing 6 files” and the activity thing would just spin. It wouldn’t even say what the 6 files were. The IT support team tried the usual microsoft dance. Stop it and restart it. If that doesn’t work, reboot the machine. If that doesn’t work then uninstall and re-install. Then if that doesn’t work shrug your shoulders and say “don’t know…”. It was finally solved when I got a new laptop. I the year or so it was happening, I asked if they could look at log files, and you would have thought I was describing a new alien species to them. Fuck microsoft and their proprietary bullshit they have hawked on everyone. And shame on managers for buying into this shit ecosystem.

  • Exactly. The two groups I have joined have all had a core set of people that have played together for years, or are possibly related from what I can tell. I think the most important thing is the commitment, and being consistent. I have a Thursday evening game, and a Sunday evening game now, and I make sure and show up for each. All my family and friends know my gaming nights and that if they call or text me it’s going to have to wait. There are cancellations for various reasons, but that’s just normal. Everyone has lives and family that might take priority, but what I am talking about is just chit chat. Point is, in my opinion, the key is being available and ready to play on a consistent basis. We have had a lot of churn in one group, but it’s mainly some extra people who want to play and then decide it isn’t for them I guess, or don’t like our gameplay style, or who knows. But the core group of people, which I think I am now part of, are still playing consistently. I say take the plunge and at least get some experience out of it. Change groups if you need, but put some time into playing and it will be worth it in the long run.

  • I use Fantasy Grounds, and they have a forum and discord with sections for players looking for gm, and reverse. I put a comment in the discord that I was looking for a game to play and within a couple of days had two offers that fit my schedule and have been playing in both games for over a year now. One game we even switched from a couple of Vaesen games to Pathfinder, and once that’s done, who knows where we go. The other game is old school DnD, and it has been quite the adventure.

  • Just want to point out that you can download audio from a Youtube video using yt-dlp and the following options:

    -x, --extract-audio                               Convert video files to audio-only files (requires ffmpeg and
    --audio-format FORMAT                             Format to convert the audio to when -x is used. (currently
                                                      supported: best (default), aac, alac, flac, m4a, mp3, opus,
                                                      vorbis, wav). You can specify multiple rules using similar syntax
                                                      as --remux-video
    --audio-quality QUALITY                           Specify ffmpeg audio quality to use when converting the audio with
                                                      -x. Insert a value between 0 (best) and 10 (worst) for VBR or a
                                                      specific bitrate like 128K (default 5)

    You might have to use a tool to re-do the tags, but that’s pretty easy to do. Edit: also want to point out that yt-dlp also works with a number of other sites besides Youtube.