Mid 50s, first went online on a 70s BBS, JANET user in the 80s.
That makes no sense at all.
I’d like to see the long promised redo of Control Centre and Notification Centre.
Why would it have infinite digits? It is just as like to be 0.
No, I was responding to your old fashioned views about pricing. Do you see the difference between fair pricing that you mention and fair value ?
The whole point with Fair Value is that the consumer has control. It’s not about fair pricing. It’s about what you get for that price being fair value.
Nowadays a company needs to define its target market and ensure that target market gets fair value. A product can have any price as long as its target market thinks it’s fair value.
We’ve seen some companies innovate and open up new markets that haven’t been served before. For example social tariffs that attract consumers who wouldn’t normally subscribe.
It’s not just me saying this. Many commentators and analysts have pointed out that some companies (not just Apple) are taking a rather basic approach and actually removing value. The whole idea with Apple one was to add value but now that seems to be changing. They are retreating to what they know, put up prices without using their business acumen to increase value.
I didn’t say they don’t want to see companies charge too much. Fair Value is not about the price but the value you get for that price.
I’m talking this planet. Just look for ESG funds and ESG compliant companies. They are valued at over 53 trillion dollars according to the UN.
ESG reporting is now mandatory and a part of accounting standards in the US, UK and the majority of countries.
Incidentally, try investor.apple.com/esg/default.aspx
You’ll find Apples reports back to 2021.
That’s an old fashioned view that business moved on from in the last ten years. It’s all about Environmental,Social and Corporate Governance (ESG investors are in control now at the big investors) with governments and regulators around the world setting rules. There’s a reason Apple is trumpeting its green credentials.
So if a company wants to attract money its needs a strong position. One aspect is the concept of fair value. It gets away from older concepts such as cheap and premium. A product should offer fair value. That means that what it offers is commensurate with the cost to the consumer. The consumer chooses whether the product or service offers fair value. Those companies that offer fair value will attract more investors and more customers.
That’s why I say they are lacking in modern business smarts.
I know what you’re saying but the world has moved on. Companies and regulators are talking about fair value as governments adopt ESG laws.
Companies that take an old fashioned “as much as we can get away with” approach are finding their customers drifting away. Nowadays if companies want to put up prices and be successful then they have to make the product (whatever it is) seem more valuable.
Apparently it’s a tax write off.
It’s risky though because a) Star Trek is no longer all in one place b) if it’s a hit then Netflix benefit.
I think they are in the US. It operates without the sort of protections that most of the world has.
You’ve inadvertently hit on the beginnings of an apparent paradox to do with the relationship between numbers and the counting numbers
Suppose the largest number you can have is X and the smallest number you can have is -Y. Then between -Y and X, you can count X+Y numbers which is clearly larger than X. But X is the largest possible number so X+Y doesn’t exist.
I don’t get the link. What have smart cars got to do with phone screens breaking. Surely the people who design smart cars will be different than the people who design phone screens ?
Agreed, this is the most on topic post we’ve had for a while.
Generally conservation of energy applies in a closed system, so wouldn’t apply at the creation of the system.
(Plus we can’t (yet) be sure what caused the Big Bang if it happened)
I’ve always liked the idea that matter, space and time are the way we observe the interactions of fields. So gravity waves make an interesting idea as to how part of it might work
Did you know there is some evidence that our brains are apparently aware of certain events before they actually happen. This isn’t supernatural but possible evidence of something going on outside of the space time we are familiar with. Or that time is not a straightforward arrow in one direction.
Pulsars are made of matter, which runs into the how did it all start problem (if there was no big bang to create the matter)
Yes, but black holes are an accretion of matter, that as far as we know is locked away until it evaporates. For there to be a net increase in overall matter due to gravitational waves there’d need to be either another source of waves (as in the field theory) or the waves would have to produce matter at a rate in violation of E=mc^2+C (which could be wrong)
Thanks. What mechanism would cause the gravity waves?
I ask because there is a controversial theory that the universe actually consists of a number of interacting fields. They’ve always been there. What we observe as matter, time etc are the result of those fields.
Interesting links to Three Body Problem there.