Romanes eunt domus!
Romanes eunt domus!
You spelled vim wrong.
This was written by someone who never dealt with user requests. Typical user not only doesn’t know how to define requirements in a clear way, they also don’t understand limitations of the technology, side effects their changes can cause or different aspects of usability, compatibility and accessibility.
Those are the abilities that limit who can contribute to projects, not coding skills.
So for example you want an adaptive rewind time. Is it on by default? Where is in the settings? How does it interact with current auto-rewind feature (can you enable both at the same time?)? How do you name it so that typical user knows what it does? It’s not that those are difficult questions to answer. It’s that you need think about all that before you start changing code other people will use. Typical users don’t have the knowledge or experience required to do it. And it gets way more complicated with bigger changes.
Did you ever had to buy a new laptop because Linux stopped supporting the current one?
a >= 0, b >= 0, c >= 0, d >= 0
I think that’s the issue, in the second possible solution one of the parameters is negative :)
This looks great, I didn’t even know it’s possible to solve it this way. I’m glad someone dedicated some time to it. Let’s see if anyone will try solving it in other way.
Yep, that’s correct. I never heard about Z3 and I did it by reverting all the operation. It takes couple of seconds of computer time to solve my way but it took me closer to 7h to figure it out. 1h is impressive.
There are actually two possible solutions because some bits are lost when generating numbers. Can Z3 account for lost bits? Did it come up with just one solution?
It’s locked.
Not a lot of math in this one. At least not in the way I did it.
I was fully expecting to see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JkIs37a2JE
You know that the art is based on Holy Week in Andalucia?
installed a Windows update, (…) and I have Google Chrome set as my default browser
It’s subtle but if you look closely and read between the lines you can see what the real issue is.
You’re mixing AR and VR all the time. VR has a lot of entertainment potential that will be realized once the tech gets better and cheaper, probably fairly soon. For AR to be useful for normal users it will have to replace phones, not PCs. I can see people using it on the subway to browse isntagram or while walking for navigation and answering calls. For this it will have to become super small and light, just like normal glasses. Vision pro is 600g + battery pack. We’re decades away from something that will be able to compete with phones.
Ok, I see how you could get confused and think we’re talking about some non-existing, future product instead of the device this post is actually about. No problem, this happens.
When it comes to AR in general Magic Leap was pushing it hard for a very long time and after they released actual device their value quickly dropped. AR for general public is a gimmick, it doesn’t solve any problems, no one wants it. It has very interesting applications in some very specific fields and definitely will find it uses with professionals but when it comes to your dream of looking at 15 4k screens while sitting on a toilet most people are happy with just their phones.
Sure as long as ‘all the virtual monitors you might ever want’ is exactly one monitor. You do know that Vision Pro can only simulate one display when working with a Mac? We’re talking about specific device not some imaginary thing Apple will release 10 years from now. Jesus, Mac fanboys are just the worst…
read some news, take some notes, write them into a document… while still sipping your coffee,
Because I cannot sip at my coffee while looking at my monitor? What a strange idea.
You don’t know what effort is needed to update an app for Vision Pro. For most apps it’s probably just marking a checkbox in the XCode and releasing an update. What special features will you add to PCalc? It will just float in front of you like every other app. Do you need to write any special code to make it work on Vision Pro?
the kinds of apps that would actively benefit from this technology and that the users actually want and will use.
Pre-installed apps optimized for Vision Pro:
App Store
Encounter Dinosaurs
Here’s a full list of third-party apps confirmed for VisionOS so far:
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Teams
Adobe Lightroom
Unity-based apps and games (titles TBC)
Sky Guide
Yeah, because when I use Safari, Notes and Word what I REALLY need is augmenter reality.
It’s not 150 unique apps. The article says:
It’s not just Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube that don’t have apps for Apple’s Vision Pro at launch.(…) As of this weekend, the AR/VR device’s App Store has just 150+ apps that were updated for the Vision Pro explicitly
You can watch Netflix on the Vision Pro in a browser but they didn’t create a specific app for it like for example for iOS. 150 other apps were updated to run on the device. We’re not talking about apps that run only on Vision Pro, just apps that have specific Vision Pro version. It’s like if when Apple released the iPad only 150 apps were tested, maybe slightly adapted and marked in AppStore as iPad compatible.
150 is nothing. There are millions of apps in the AppStore, all (if not all, most) of them could be updated to run on the VisionPro and developers of only 150 bothered to do it. That’s terrible result.
It’s a video game, you really don’t have to play it. Just don’t buy it if you don’t like the devs so much.
Yep, I will stick to nvim.