Except for that sex-change episode. Say what you will about Move Along Home, Profit and Lace is the worst episode of DS9, imo
Just a simple tailor
Except for that sex-change episode. Say what you will about Move Along Home, Profit and Lace is the worst episode of DS9, imo
Ah yes, the Stewie Griffin solution
Censors in the 90s were obviously MUCH more concerned about portraying the love between two consenting adults who had been married in a previous life than they were about a sentient puddle of goo that can make himself look like he’s dressed.
Honestly, I thought that’s where the joke was going.
Everyone in this thread is talking about Beverly or Jean-Luc, but I’m all about the less-imposing Worf.
That’s gold, Jerry! GOLD!
There’s a subreddit called “Watch it for the plot,” but the plot refers to the woman’s … huge tracts of land.
I don’t really know what you’re referring to or if you’re being serious, but if you are being serious, then I’ll just say it relates to Lower Decks episode 4x02.
I’m pretty sure that T’Ana would be all over this. But I don’t think she’d make it a rap battle…
Disney did it right with the freaking porgs when Episode VIII dropped. Those things were everywhere
I just want to know what Paramount executive OK’d this episode but didn’t then immediately begin production on moopsy-related items to purchase. I need a moopsy plush!
Where can I sign up for this? Asking for a friend.
Rutherford, with Mariner’s contempt for authority.
I know. It gave away the surprise Japanese attack. Why would they get that away in the trailer? I didn’t see it coming!
Technically, this is the summary of the original trilogy, too. He finally calms down at the end of RotJ
I think my username will help you lol
It’s a faaaaaaaake
Memes are supposed to reflect reality, not actually be reality.
I am NOT a Sneezy man!