• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • WoWow you’re actually unironically anti-maquis? You think they should just roll over and let Cardassians murder them? Wow you’re a piece of shit reactionary troll and I’ve been wasting my time arguing here. Fuck off xD those planets being handed to Cardassia doesn’t give them the right to displace and murder the people there, jfc what’s wrong with you? The “squatters” lived there before it was a cardassian planet, and didn’t shoot until they were shot. Either you’ve got shit memory for star trek episodes or you’ve got some seriously fucked up takes on colonialism

    They had no options. Molly was gonna get taken away, they couldn’t just take her to earth. I really really don’t understand why you’re so invested in the thought that the O’Briens are evil bc they made a possibly stupid choice.

    I take it back, you really should see a therapist. Someone who can deprogram the nihilistic bootlicker out of you. People aren’t evil by default, and driving someone from their home or taking away their rights isn’t OK just bc a treaty says so

  • Libertarians absolutely count tho. I still hear people blame Gary Fucking Johnson of all people for trump winning sometimes xD most 3rd parties are admittedly more likely to get left votes than right, but libertarians are the biggest 3rd party, and most who vote for them sure as fuck wouldn’t go blue. And tbh a lot of 3rd party voters prob just wouldn’t vote for dems period. I was really close to not voting for biden in 20, and I’m even closer to that this year

  • I still have no idea how you’re reading so much evil intent into their actions. They clearly did what they thought was best because they didn’t think they could rehabilitate her, which is short sighted, but nothing in the episode suggests that they just did it bc they didn’t wanna take time off to help Molly. They’d been taking a ton of time off for her, why would they suddenly stop when she’s gone be sent to an institute who will do more of that work for them? You also completely glossed over the fact that Molly was freaking the fuck out by the end that she wasn’t allowed to go home. Something she maybe could’ve worked through, but at the time she was absolutely miserable and get parents did what they thought would remedy that

    Real shit it’s kinda wild seeing this level of hate over something that is so obviously not evil. It was a stupid choice, but there’s no reason to believe they did it for selfish reasons. If I’m wrong please point out the post of the episode where O’Brien says he’s tired of taking care of her or anything remotely close to that. Idk it seems like weird doomer shit having that wilfully uncharitable of an opinion, I genuinely don’t understand at all how you could get that takeaway from the episode

  • You say this now like you’re not gonna refuse to vote for biden if he takes enough meaningful steps towards stopping the genocide. You genocidal libs are all the same, desperate to make sure nobody votes uncommitted in the primaries and rabidly downvote anything remotely critical of biden, yet too afraid to come out and say you want more dead Palestinians. Go to hell 🌸

  • EndlessApollo@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerelatable rule
    3 months ago

    No, you’re just making excuses for doctors to gaslight people into thinking everything is fine and the problem is with them. How about you do better and not be such a blatant bootlicker? This kind of shit reminds me of business insider articles trying to convince poor people that poverty and climate apocalypse aren’t causing a wave of mental illness, or that the solution to it is just more drugs