• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • My hope is that Labour are playing this smart. They’ll bang on about how Brexit won’t change, but that “we’ll look to increase economic and social strengths via our relationship with the EU”. We’ll reintroduce entry to the single market, ensure freedom of movement, and basically rejoin in everything but name - and then eventually say “well, if we want to rejoin it’s basically a tick in a box”.

    The EU will likely be happy for the UK to rejoin, even without punishment. The most reliable ally in the battle against Euroscepticism is a former Eurosceptic that can say how shit things were after leaving, and how much better they are since rejoining.

  • I think most fandoms are pretty bad. Here are a few I’ve interacted with in the past and their “outbursts”.

    • WWE fans being tribalistic as fuck when it comes to any other type of pro wrestling existing. Honestly, go look at social media for AEW and it’s mostly idiots slating everything they ever put out - while simultaneously being the best advert for the product.

    • Wrestling fans in general. Some woman managed to get leaked pictures of a pro wrestler with his baby in a private setting, and she got angry when people told her on Twitter to stop sharing them, because “they were her pictures”. Alongside this, you’d be shocked at how many people camp out at hotels or airports to bother pro wrestlers that just want to go about their day, often to sign shit that’s 100% going on eBay.

    • I’ve told this story before, but I was briefly a mod on /r/soccer, and some fans were unhinged. One mod was stalked in real life by a 16 year old fan of a rival team, to the point where the police got involved and Reddit admins had to reach out.

    • One Punch Man fans being toxic regarding the animators for seasons two and three, while also drawing risque pictures of a main character that looks like a child in provocative poses.

    • Taylor Swift fans. Need I say more?

    • Hajime No Ippo fans believing that watching a boxing anime makes you an expert in combat sports. This came up hilariously when some guy on Reddit challenged me to a fight in a boxing ring to prove him right on the intricacies of the Japanese national boxing rankings…something that I genuinely wish would have happened.

    Even small fandoms can be pretty toxic places, like most places in public. I don’t know what it is about bringing like-minded people together, but it usually ends up in small pockets of them attacking others that share something in common with them…

  • EnderMB@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldMany such cases
    14 days ago

    Sadly, I don’t see Gimp ever competing with Photoshop. It’s not necessarily a feature parity thing, nor is it a mind share thing. It’s as you’ve said - it’s not built by creatives to be the best possible tool for many types of design.

    It’s truly a shame, because for years Adobe slept on different aspects of digital design, and there was a true opportunity to build a Linux-first tool that made things like Web Design so much simpler. It’s an unpopular opinion, but Linux window managers have always lacked creative input. There has always either been a design-by-commitee, or a design-by-engineer feel - and this is reflected in how poor Gimp and design tools are in the Linux space.

    In reality, Linux could have the best photo editing and design-specific tooling, but sadly the tooling either lacks a creative touch, or lacks features that are truly needed to be competitive.

  • I use Windows. It does what it needs to do, and while I haven’t upgraded past 10, it’s not complained about much.

    At home I switch between Fedora and Windows, but at work I use OSX because using Linux at work gets you a shitty laptop instead of a MBP. I work for a big tech company, with the Windows and Mac user communities being pretty much the same size. What I’ve noticed is that Windows is fairly tolerable, and often has few issues that don’t need IT intervention. The MacOS community, while often being more technical because it’s used by tech workers, has a lot more issues than any other. Major OS updates are events that take months of planning because it’s guaranteed that thousands of people will essentially brick their laptops trying to just do a standard upgrade. Everything seems to break all the time, which is mad when you consider that Apple is a trillion dollar company with one hardware line. Windows and Linux support many hardware lines.

    Ultimately, you know what you’re getting with each choice. All I care about is that my OS does what it intends to do.

  • Apple is in a weird spot. They’re probably sitting on a metric shit-ton of cash, and happily bucked the trend of laying off their employees (for a while). They were in a position to grow and expand as a tech company, while everyone else was restricting themselves.

    Sadly, they haven’t looked to solidify their position for years, and outside of the Apple Watch, there have been very few true innovations from Apple for a long time. Apple actually have an extensive applied ML science team (source: have worked with them), but like many of their divisions, they just don’t have the faith to pull the trigger and truly invest in them.

    Apple right now just…kinda exist. They make shareholders a lot of money, and they churn out incremental updates that keep fans happy, but is that a tactic for long-term success, or a sign of a business that’s out of direction?

  • It’s hard to say what the best solution to this is, because you’re absolutely right, many billionaires don’t spend “money” - they leverage their assets to get stuff. If they need to liquidate anything, someone that monitors some portfolio at some wealth management firm will do that with a few clicks and some signatures.

    Perhaps the best option is regulation of a banks ability to finance against leveraged assets above a certain threshold? I’d also be for a cap on CEO salaries and bonuses, perhaps with both shareholder and employee approval needed to execute executive bonuses. I imagine that alone would mean most CEO’s would lose a fuck-ton of money.

    I’d love for a wealth tax to be viable, but it would require balls of steel from the president, and a central tax authority that won’t be coerced into accepting loopholes. Even then, it would be hilariously easy to get around by moving wealth elsewhere.