• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The month is Compuary, which is a new cyber-month they added just for doing hacker stuff.

    A what now? To do what again?

    And they do sex stuff up there as well.


    There’s Baltimore Airport, lab-grown to be a swimsuit model but programmed to kill.

    Obviously a complex character with depth.

    There’s Crusty Silverware…

    Say no more … please.

    Infiltrate the dome and take out Harvard Pubence, the president of cops.

    You son of a bitch, I’m in!

    Tonight, Pubence is guest of honor at the 9th annual Rich Perverts’ Ball.

    OMG! Stop I already said I was in!

    My team jacked up on Tums 2

    Seriously, I need to read this book or my life may never feel complete!

  • It sounds like you are describing depression. Here are some things that help me when I get to feeling like this. It’s not easy to do when battling with low energy and a lack of motivation, but they help.

    • Do more outdoor activities. Normally in the form of walks, or biking to nearby locations instead of driving.

    • Drink more water. Basically, I just have a glass of water before drinking anything else.

    • Eat better. Nothing too extreme, I make an effort to prepare more foods at home and include more vegetables.

    • Change things. I’m not talking about a life change. Rearrange furniture, put up some different wall art, change your lighting, swap out the background images on your computers and / or mobile devices, etc.

    • Spend time with your thoughts. I would try to spend about 15 minutes to an hour each day sitting in silence, with no distractions. I don’t force any thoughts. I just wait to see what bubbles to the surface. It usually helps me identify problem areas that I need to focus on.

    It is also possible that you have started down a life path that you feel you are “supposed” to pursue and not necessarily a path that you want to pursue.

    It could also be that you are burned out between school, work, and social obligations. Making more time for yourself or taking some time off, if that is an option, might help.

  • Here’s my theory that is based on no research whatsoever:

    Cigarette companies used to pay to have characters smoke in movies and TV shows. This would cultivate a social acceptance and “cool factor” around smoking. During the 80s and 90s, this practice came under fire and smoking in movies and TV dramatically dropped to the point of almost being non-existent.

    Then time passed, vaping became popular, and people stopped caring about the impact of normalizing or even glorifying smoking. So the practice of paying studios to have characters smoke started to return. Nobody said anything, so it is becoming common place again.

    It doesn’t matter if it is unhealthy, it is profitable.

  • During the pandemic, when everything was shut down, sports were canceled. When asked what they missed most about watching sports a majority of men responded that they missed sharing the experience with their fathers and children.

    I think that one reason for the popularity of sports, especially among men, is that it serves as a surrogate emotional bond for people that may have difficulty sharing their feelings … or maybe they just enjoyed the bonding experience.

    If esports can provide a similar experience, then maybe it can be as popular, but there is more there than just the sport.

  • You seem to have a lot of animosity towards people with money. I’m not sure what the cause is, and it’s none of my business, but I hope that you are able to find peace with that one day. It’s a terrible burden to live with such negativity.

    Dismissing the suffering of one person because others have it worse dismisses that trauma and suffering is subjective to the individual. You can almost always find a group or individual that has gone through something worse, and what is traumatic for one person might be common place for another. Everybody is different and everybody deserves the opportunity to seek help if they think it could benefit them.