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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • John isn’t perfect. But he’s one of the closest to being. He was pretty spot on.

    Comedians are not always well informed. But a well informed skilled comedian can speak truth to power to its face where most others would struggle.

    Oliver has a skilled research team most “news” shows could only dream about. Because most these days don’t have one. And they can spend at least a week at minimum doing a deep dive. Often much more. They don’t shy away from controversy. Finally when they do make a mistake. They generally correct within the next episode or two. Always before the main segment. While everyone is still watching them. Not trying to speed read it on the outro as everyone is tuned out as so many shows do.

  • This is actual hardware. Yes simple arm cores can pretty faithfully emulate much of this. But that’s emulation. These are bespoke devices, built from actual old chips. Offering a level of comparability and predictability emulation can’t always achieve. It isn’t for everyone.

    Adrian Black ended up with a non functioning unit sent to him by a viewer that bought one. The seller rather than pay for postage for the broken one to be sent back to China just told them to keep it and sent them a replacement instead. Adrian ends up troubleshooting and fixing it but you can get a pretty good look at everything going on inside and some of the old chips involved.

  • You should actually watch the video. There’s a very large section where he goes over how in 21 or 22 whenever the original theory was proposed and experiments we’re performed with no evidence found. He was originally going to put out a video talking about it but pointing out how unrealistic and unlikely it was. Instead he waited and only put out the recent video because there was some evidence pointing to the fact that there could be a connection. Anton does not tend to be sensationalist. For such subject matter he will usually be very clear when there isn’t a lot of science backing things up. It’s an interesting concept and now there is possible evidence that something could be going on. And that’s what he says.

  • You aren’t wrong about the aur. Similar could be said about flat packs snaps Etc however. We should always audit our systems regularly.

    That said, Manjaro is different enough that even enabling the Aur is a bad idea. I know from experience as I’ve done several reinstalls Etc. Because of Manjaro issues with the aur. They really shouldn’t even ship access to it. Because Manjaro does so many Breaking changes. It’s one of many bad decisions on the part of Manjaros maintainers. Ubuntu may be Debian and based. But it’s not Debian. Manjaro is the same.

    The rest of them basically are Arch just with a few tweaks, themes, base install, and installer.

  • Arch like/lite? Sure. But without the ability to use the Aur safely you’re missing nearly half or more of what Arch has to offer. I’ve waited a long time for a really good Linux distribution that had an easier usage curve than Gentoo while having a semi decent portage/ports system like the BSD do.

    It can still definitely work for a quick and easy Linux gaming system. If your priority is Steam and Nvidia Graphics drivers installed no fuss. Then again so can nobara or the steamos variants.

    I’m not going to lie or hate though. I absolutely ran manjaro first before moving on to proper Arch. It was just easy and painless until it got to things like ports and the Aur.

  • Controversial take, endeavor is Arch. Just without the major hurdles. I installed Gentoo once. I learned a lot. Things like, I never want to do that again. It was cool and all. But I’m good with click, install, and get on with my life. I do however like rolling releases and not having to wait years to have less outdated versions. Though to some extent flat paks are slowly alleviating that.

    Also for some reason the image gives me serious Sam vibes.

  • I like Adam Savage. I watch Adam Savage. However, be careful putting anyone on a pedestal. The claims were settled out of court which doesn’t mean anything either way. And I think all of us feeling like we have more familiarity with Adam himself would definitely rather side with him and his version of things. But that’s just bias at this point.

    Adam is most definitely a fascinating guy with a varied and interesting work experience. We can all safely say that for sure. And has overtime become a great presenter with a lot of wisdom to share. And that’s probably where we should keep it. 🙂

  • Non Nvidia will give you the best over all experience. That said I do have 3 systems running Linux with Nvidia. But one of them is headless, and I can’t use Wayland on the other two because the Nvidia driver shits the bed hard with one particular app. However if I don’t run that app Nvidia and Wayland are pretty stable and smooth. Not as smooth or stable as AMD or Intel and Wayland. But decent.

    And depending on your needs. I just picked up an overclocked RX 580 sapphire on eBay for 60 bucks. Which is pretty decent for 1080p gaming.

  • Probably a tonal issue on my part. Not intentional. But it’s happened before. Combined with the fact that despite my advice being sound. It’s far from an ideal solution for a number of people. Not everyone can buy online, and many don’t have the interest or aptitude to procure and assemble themselves. And it sucks that there isn’t a better option. Brick and mortars etc providing an option.

    I have run Linux on systems from every major SI. Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, IBM etc. Tower wise these days it’s fairly foolproof outside network or graphics interfaces. Realtek is a mess. And Nvidia IS getting better, but still shits the bed badly when I try to use it with Wayland and the software I want to use. Which is getting to be issue enough that I’m de-nvidifying where possible till Nvidia gets it together.

    Laptops are a special hell though. Malfunctioning/non functioning screen controls, IO, and peripherals that can’t be replaced etc. The next laptop I buy will be one built with Linux compatibility in mind. I’m getting to the point myself that while I can chase down and fix issues. I would rather it just fully worked. Replacing the m.2 network interfaces on systems that allow it is great and all. But at my age my eyesight is getting to where attaching the antenna leads is very challenging.