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Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Worked with some teachers in a school. Occasionally we’d forget something dumb at our desk like our attendance notebook or a stack of handouts for the students. In most cases there was usually someone from our group sitting around at our office space, doing a bit of prep work. We all used iPads in our lessons, so one day I used a combination of Siri Shortcuts with IFTTT, a smart plug and a cheap little lamp to create a quick little alert system that would inform a peer at the desk if something was left behind. The light would click on, and when someone noticed, they’d check the group chat to see who sent it and what was needed.

  • Just off the top of my head: In some US dialects, rather than a single word changing between negative and positive form (e.g. “I didn’t take any pictures”), instead an entire sentence is shifted into a negative mode (“I didn’t take no pictures”). Traditional grammar rules would dictate that as a double negative, implying the speaker did in fact take pictures, but only an idiot would actually choose interpret it that way.

    Next, we have the impact of the internet. “lol” might occasionally be spoken aloud in many circumstances as a substitute for “that’s funny” or something similar. Colloquial written English is all over the place. We now not only use “lol”, but “fwiw,” “afaik,” and many others.

    Then there’s emoji. We’re basically using glyphs to express ideas, not unlike how kanji works, and traditional rules of grammar don’t always apply when you’re expressing an idea through pictures, though it’s interesting when it does. Animated GIFs and memes often butcher grammar rules without sacrificing any understanding of intent.

    A simple google search turns up many more examples than I could possibly be aware of.

    Now it’s your turn. Feel free to explain why you think using “they” as a singular pronoun applies as a grammar rule violation in the 21st century. If you can’t use more than a typical snarky one or two-liner, you should just consider this argument lost and rethink your life.

  • I mean, the absurdity of your argument that a sci-fi space rpg can’t meet your standards of “reality” because of a mere ignorable, pre-existing and commonly used pronoun aside, I’m going to have to step in on this particularly low-hanging morsel…

    The rules of English grammar are objective.

    If English grammatical rules were objective, we’d all still be talking the way people did way before Shakespeare. Actually, Shakespeare’s writings wouldn’t exist today if English grammar wasn’t at all subjective because he flat out made up a ton of words and phrases we still use today. Also, you’ve heard of poetry, right?

    “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” (Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5)