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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • DrRatso@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSimple as
    3 months ago

    I will soon have to confront the brain tumor that I surely have, which makes me play League, as they are going to roll out Vanguard anticheat. I sorely wish there was an alternative with similar vibes, DotA is too sweaty for me and not as fun mechanically.

  • Once you know, it is easy. But this random popup with 0 explanation, besides an arrow, is not intuitive at all. In general I like my MacBook Air but I hate MacOS and if it wasn’t apple silicon itd be running linux. Once Asahi or something similar deals with growing pains, it will 100% be doing so.

  • I think this depends. People who need basic computer functions can get on very well with linux.

    My classmate in highschool had ubuntu on his home pc as long as I remember, because someone preconfigured it for them and it was mainly a browser - schoolwork machine. He gamed on XBox. There was no hassle, it was fine.

    My mom on her run down laptop has mint now, because I configured it for her. I haven’t heard any complaints.

    E: Also many hospital here run Linux and it is just fine, and trust me, many of the medical staff are barely tech literate enough to register for email themselves.

    Linux is a problem for people who come from windows and need more than basics but are not tech savvy enough to get their hands dirty. Then once your comfort level with tinkering goes up again, Linux is once again not a bad recommendation. It really kind of is the bell curve meme.

  • DrRatso@lemmy.mltoGames@lemmy.worldSteam keeps on winning
    6 months ago

    The fact that it can be done or even relatively easily means nothing. Whether teams are hired in-house or the task is outsourced does not matter, it still costs a decent sum of money and requires ongoing maintenance costs. You need additional devs, you need QA and customer support, you even need new features in your client. You can’t just wing it and bundle some packages, we are not talking hobby projects here.

    Again steam did not do this to drive game sales, otherwise they’d have done this before they needed a deck solution. And this is because stand-alone the amount of game sales this would drive is nothing to major vendors because most linux gamers are willing to use heroic/lutris/bottles/wine whatever themselves or dualboot / vm passthrough to play what they want.

    And you keep hinging on steams hardware sales figures but it is not like the praise or demand for steam deck comes from it running a linux base. It would be more accurate to say people love it despite that fact.

    The praise steam is getting and what is driving steams device sales numbers comes almost in its entirety from the hardware platform being really good and the price being really low. And this comes back full circle - this is almost exclusively why steam invested in linux compatibility.

    So no, steams hardware sales numbers don’t speak for themselves.

  • DrRatso@lemmy.mltoGames@lemmy.worldSteam keeps on winning
    6 months ago

    All this pedantic smugness and yet you still can’t present a half decent argument for why linux support matters for other vendors besides steam.

    And even with steam the only reason they matter for them is that it drives hardware profits. Extra game sales are a bonus.

    Steam could have sold 30 million decks and it still would hardly matter. You know why? Most people who own a deck also own a PC, and chances are that PC is running windows, the deck is likely not their main gaming platform. Furthermore, many people would be happier if it ran windows, as sad as that may be. Just throw a google search for “SteamOS frustrating”.

    At the end of the day, linux support doesn’t matter much for any other vendor. Linux marketshare is small and within that small share an even smaller share are linux exclusive gamers who take a hard line when it comes to linux support and do it how you will, linux support costs money, the ROI isn’t big enough to consider, it is pocket change.

  • DrRatso@lemmy.mltoGames@lemmy.worldSteam keeps on winning
    6 months ago
    1. Which is why steam invested in said FOSS projects to begin with, they can now forego having to pay licensing costs to microsoft. It is not like steam did this out of the goodness of their hearts, but rather for their own bottom line.

    2. Yes it absolutely is for a megacorp, for 0 return. Anybody who wants to run games on non-steam launchers can do so just fine, there is mostly only convenience to be gained. The megacorp needs to hire entire teams / departments that understand linux, that understand wine/proton and that can maintain and keep said packages up to date, it is realistically not simple or cheap in corporate hell.

    The idea that there is money worthwhile for any store but steam in linux gaming is detached from reality. There is only money in it for steam only because of steam deck.