• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • ich bin dort Neukunde und auch sehr positiv angetan. Support ist super flott und hilfreich, wenn Preis ein Kriterium ist geh ich eh über gh.de (und meist ist Galaxus da so nah am billigsten Angebot, dass es mir egal ist) und haufenweise gute Filtermöglichkeiten wenn du nicht ganz genau weißt was du willst <3

    Außerdem die offene Preiskommunikation und Supportzeiten und Garantiefälle von Herstellern offen auf der Produktpage anzeigen … das finde ich schon sehr nice.

  • Also ich hab Lehramt als Berufung studiert, bin jetzt aber im Personalwesen in irgendwelchen Firmen tätig. Nachteil: ist halt alles Businessquatsch und gibt mir längst nicht dass was die Arbeit mit heranwachsenden mir gibt. Hauptsächlich sehr direkten Kontakt mit (jungen) Menschen und das Gefühl, die irgendwie begleitet zu haben.

    Vorteil: ich kann entscheiden wo ich arbeite, habe Home Office, Gleitzeit und eine deutlich geringere Chance auf Burnout. Und ich muss nicht die ganze Zeit innerlich schreien, wenn etwas nicht funktioniert, weil es mir am Ende egal sein kann.

    Meine Interessen kann ich auch im Büro einbringen, weil es auch hier um Lernen geht und ich viel mit Medienerstellung (Filme, Podcasts, E-Learning). beschäftigt bin.

    Meine Erfüllung suche ich daher woanders 😊

  • Seconded, same here, though if OP lives in the US chances are that’s illegal.

    However, OP, it’s still worth a try imho if you have a way of doing it semi-stealthily. I got four used 220Wp panels, a used DC to ac converter and then plugged that right into an outlet. Now when the sun shines, we generate between 2-4kWh per day, which is usually used right up by appliances and chargers. We figure we’ll break even in 3-4 years, but that’s a bit skewed because of high electricity prices here on Germany and the low upfront costs of getting everything used and then installing it on our slanted sunroom roof conveniently facing southwest

  • Hey man, first of all internet hugs from a random stranger.

    I’m so sorry for for what you’re going through and cannot even begin to understand how you feel. I haven’t gone through anything similar, so I can’t really offer any advice.

    I just wanted to let you know that it’s okay to feel the way you do. That might stick around for a while, and you shouldn’t pressure yourself into feeling “better” (or let others do that for you). It’s important to recognize and acknowledge these emotions, and it sounds like you do. There’s nothing wrong with you; you’re grieving. There’s no way to replace the people you’ve lost and it’s natural to feel like there’s a hole in your heart.

    Feel it, but don’t get lost in it. It sounds like your wife can be a pillar for you right now. Are you talking to her about this emptiness? Let her know how she can best be there for you. When I first met my girlfriend, her mom was dying and eventually died six months into our relationship. I’ve often felt helpless during that time as I wanted to be there for her and idk just DO something, kind of “fix” her problems or make them go away. Of course, that’s not possible. I was at a loss how to support her, but by talking about it slowly came to understand that my desire to do something was a bit misplaced - just holding her in my arms and fixing dinner and suggesting playing through a coop video game was what she needed. It made her feel safe again after feeling like the flloor had been ripped out from under her.

    She also drastically reduced her hours and went on long extended hikes.

    I’m not saying that’s what right for you - I’m saying try to figure out what you can do to make every day suck a little tiny bit less and talk about it with your partner. Make her your ally in this, if you haven’t already.

    Lastly, anxiety’s a bitch. I don’t know if there’s a cure for it, but there’s certainly more or less helpful ways of confronting or rather dealing with (intrusive) thoughts. Is there any particular pattern that stands out in your thoughts?