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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I’ve been replaying and somewhat enjoying Fallout 4 recently too and all I can say is Bethesda made a very good (and janky) video game back in 2003 and managed to reskin it into 5 different games over the past 20 years fairly well—only blatantly showed its age with Starfield because they removed all the (now out of date) modernizations introduced in Fallout 4. I will not buy The Elder Scrolls VI if that ever comes to market.

    Just throwing it out there if you haven’t played it, The Outer Worlds hits all the fallout notes in a tighter package (also made by obsidian who made New Vegas)

  • I don’t know what world you live in where you can plug those things in for a “few minutes” and it be good for weeks of use.

    I am sick of apple apologists saying apple didnt want people using their wireless mouse plugged in. If that was the case they’d also make their wireless keyboard charge port be on the bottom.

    Fact is it’s a shitty design that they’ve been too lazy to change or update for over a decade.

    Also, industrial design is not “art.” It is a craft that, when wielded responsibly, creates a product that is as user friendly as possible.

  • App Window management in Mac OS is beyond infuriating. Time ago it was non existent so you had to download a third party app to enable a clunky version, now it exists but you have to right click on the green dot and hope the snapping menu pops up (sometimes it opens some other menu). I just want MS Windows style “move an app window to the side of the screen and have it automatically snap to take up that half (or quarter)” not the clunky idiotic implementation Apple has provided. The number of hours I have racked up wasting my time resizing and moving windows around manually is obscene.

    Also hardware related: the fucking charging port on the magic mouse will go down in history as the stupidest, anti-user design decision in human history.