
Caller in the desert.
My alternative account @[email protected] moderates https://sh.itjust.works/c/neurodivergent.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • The TOS are unambiguous concerning the meaning of the term “website”.

    This Terms of Service applies to your access to and active use of <www.lemmy.world> (“we,”“us,” “our,” “the website,” “Lemmy.World,” or “LW”). ​

    So this is used in the common sense of “data coherently served under one domain/subdomain name which is intended to be displayed by web browsers”. It totally doesn’t concern someone who interacts with content originally posted on lemmy.world from a different federated server (or a lemmy client? idk if the API would run on the “www” subdomain but doubt it). They are even somewhat overspecific with the “www”. Not even the web interface runs on a “www” subdomain which means that no-one ever interacts with such a website anyway.

    So in order to be correct your job would be to ask anyone with a lemmy.world account who states they are younger than 18, if they are posting through the www interface … 🤷
    I just checked where the images are coming from, and nope they are coming not from www.lemmy.world but from lemmy.world/pictrs/.

    In other words, you could totally be autistic and explain to them that those TOS hardly apply to anyone within a federated/website-independent system and therefore are hardly enforcible and are reasonably bullshit may need a re-work.

  • Thanks for sharing this!
    I’m thinking this must be one of the defining characteristics that is shared by most ND people. It’s not new to me and my self-experience but finally there i have someone who put it in clear words, and it explains a lot about ND social functioning.
    Also read that “Grand Emotions” article which is being linked to in the article, which has the underlying reason (“truth” and such as primary(!) emotions that’s an interesting take).
    I can use this well for explaining what it means, “a fundamental difference not a disability in understanding”.

    Edit … And also there’s some light on my confusion with the meaning of the word community. For me it would mean much more than “grouping of people with similar interest” but more like “communal”. Maybe i shouldn’t call the thing i want to find/co-op a “neurodiverse community” at all.

  • You are damn right when you are frustrated, and you are damn right in expressing that.

    I am sad and embarassed (right word?) about all the unempathic comments you are being met with.(*) I’d say ignore them if you can – literally put them on your ignore list if you wish, and take them perhaps as your involuntary helpers who demonstrate what you are usually met with (if this is the case). So that this has a purpose and doesn’t hurt you …

    Like someone else commented, you probably do not want such people to be your “friends” – they would only be friends with that mask you present to them in order to appease. Your frustrated/lonely expression is a mask, too. But that one they don’t like and why you wear it doesn’t interest them.

    Kick that idea that you are disabled (i know, i know, but try to push it away) and it will help you to relax (that’s important). The more we train a specific thought pattern, the more that will become our only reality.

    Being on your own, or being in the position of the quiet observer for the time being could actually be a good thing to have, as it will give you inner and outer room to move (away from the rigid/unrelaxed idea which makes it seem a burden). Look for such people whose presence you would enjoy. That is, such people whith whom you would resonate, naturally. Those might be the ones who are able to observe beyond the mask and those who play alone. They might not be the most relaxed ones, initially.

    The good fruit are rare and you are young. I hope this resonates or is at least a lottle comforting. From someone who had many developments happen ten years late.
    [leaving that typo as-is because i like that word … a lottle]

    (*) I just held myself back from answering each of those comments with “this hurts” … but it would have me spam the comment tree. Leaving it up to you.

  • Uh this hurts. Please remember where we are posting here and that people might have subtle but very relevant differences in the way they empathise and communicate. Thank you.

    If you want people to understand you then you have to express the you. That’s what OP does. Expressing their discomfort so that others can know about it. If others don’t feel comfortable around someone who is not comfortable with them in the first place, then that’s exactly what they should feel. Discomfort. … OP seems to not yet know that the people they are looking fore will be the ones who actually understand such a mode of empathic communication, and know how to be comforting.

  • [x] definitely agree (i think)

    see what resonates with people, and how we approach thinking about the questions

    ^ this! i’m always happy to learn about how others actually function.

    At first, “i have an objection …” – but what is it?
    – So, i definitely hear a lot of things which others seem to not notice. But how would i know if this happens often; what to relate that “often” to when people do not usually talk about such things. It just happened often enough when i started talking about it, that i learned to assume that most people don’t notice the fine detail.

    Then the train of thought is kicked off. I think there is a difference between general sensitivity (sensing) and sensibility (perception) which are not always at a constant level. E.g. i would put it as sensitivity when i can hear the whistling of chargers and power adaptors, a ringing of keys in the pocket or the occasional high-pitched screech of a car’s brake. It’s due to sensibility when such sounds become disturbing or uncomfortable/painful (other peoples’ chewing noises, anyone?).
    – I think this question is about sensitivity.

    Single leaves falling from a nearby tree. The sound of fine rain. A woodworm making its way through the furniture. I don’t know if others notice that.
    As a maker of drums, when a hair got caught under the skin and it makes a tiny snare … unbearable.

    Further, the sensitivity is not just about noticing small noises but it’s related to an ability to distinguish components/patterns out of a mixture of sounds as well as distinguish small nuances of sounds. I notice the different perception only when i’m avidly describing why i’m so excited about something.

    Vocalists who have several different singing voices which evoke different pictures of that person.
    A masterful piece of electronic music where i count 10+ layers, and that minimalist pkk-pkk rhythm it started with still stands out.
    I discovered they are using binaural beats on trance music dancefloors. There’s a slight difference in the bass tones when moving between the speakers. I guess it’s in the theta range, literally synchronising people’s brainwaves. …

  • From what i got to know, many people are now using some well-known but mostly criminalised (but now again put to clinical research) substances, in miniscule doses, successfully for anxiety relief. Of course, i can not directly recommend trying them as reactions, at least in large psychedelic doses, are widely unpredictable and i do not know about their use in general anxiety (although i’d love to know). Procurement will likely be illegal too, so one has to find a trusted source and should make use of test kits for purity testing. All i can say is that they are generally seen as non-addictive. We are adviced to do our own research, not least on their usefulness together with other medications (ie. neuroleptice, benzodiazepines, barbiturates).

  • Out of browsing autism issues, and out of online for the day, actually. I like this community but when 80% of memes fit to me, i start to feel more handicapped and it’s draining. I wish i could meet certain people in person. Online “community” is just not real enough and can make feel lonely.

    Edit: some context … This particular meme story here talks about hiding one’s idiosyncrasies, as part of what we call masking. I started discovering my own neurodiversity the classic way (which is also the hard way) – by having an autistic burn-out. Not only is this kind of masking very demanding (i was unconsciously always on alert for “danger” of meeting strangers), but it’s also stealing the joy from living. I could choose between dreaming along freely but lonely, or being among people but constantly watching my behaviour … so long until all energy was drained and i couldn’t do it anymore. Fortunately for me, a certain miss Greta Thunberg was in the news in those days, and she gave it all a name …
    This meme makes me sad and quite anxious. It reminds me that i’m still doing that stupid thing far too much … “am i acting weird? what will the others think?” … damn!

  • Biological – there are many species of flies, and many of them specialise in the food of their larvae (maggots). A relatively small number of species feed on feces, which are actually quite nutritional for a whole range of organisms. As they may require fresh poop for breeding, they naturally have a very good sense to smell that – it must really smell yummy to them! :-)
    Flies are among the first organisms in a chain of decomposers of organic waste materials, next to some species of beetles. Their larvae chiefly feed on the soft and moist material. Next will be fungi, other flies and beetles, mites (probably feeding on the fungi), springtails, isopods, nematodes, etc., all turning your compost into fertilised soil.

    Source: biologist, been closely watching my compost toilet (not a sophisticated type where one would go for minimal fly attraction but made for fast fertiliser production).

    Metaphorical – well, in a world where greed is acceptable and exploitation is a norm, bad things attract bad actors (who may also be specialised to metaphorically feed on certain bad stuff) – who will profit from such bad things.

  • The baker boy had come to wake up Octavius Picus from his afternoon nap. The delegation from the market at Nuceria had already arrived. They were early. Three people, the boy said, an elderly man with bad eyesight and a young woman guiding him, and another man who was carrying some scrolls. They could be heared chatting with Octavius’ wife Marcella in the atrium. No hurry. He sat up on the bedside and rubbed his eyes.

    The landlords around Nuceria had recently founded a cooperative and had now come to bargain a new deal for their grain. He wouldn’t really know what to make of it, especially since his plan of opening a taverna would certainly require him to buy more wheat and he also wanted to have their beer. Would all that make it more expensive or less? –
    Alright, let’s serve them something, he told the boy. Make us five of the speciality quick plates, with sausage, eggs and sweet wine, but not the most expensive one. And do not forget the basilicum and cheese sauce on the panem picum!