Any suggestions on a different instance to move to? Preferably something smaller. I switched from world to this one because of outages during the Rexxit or whatever the hell it was called.
Same great Dharma, new Fediverse packaging!
Check out DharmaCurious.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!
Any suggestions on a different instance to move to? Preferably something smaller. I switched from world to this one because of outages during the Rexxit or whatever the hell it was called.
Dammit, now I gotta start looking for shoulder blade porn, cause that is sexy…
Up until a few ago I was getting my inserts from a local place, you put them in hot water and then stand on them for a couple minutes until they cool and harden.
Then I got insurance that covered them. The difference it makes is insane. I lost that insurance 2 years ago, and I’ve been alternating the 3 pair trying to get them to last as long as possible. At this point there’s not much left of them, but they’re all I’ve got. It’s 200 bucks for my next set (3 pair), and I’m gonna have to figure that out soon.
I see a lot of jokes about knee fetish in this thread. I dated a dude with a knee kink. It was disconcerting at first, but being the enlightened, nonjudgmental being I am, I went with it. Wasn’t my thing at all, but honestly, the best word to describe it was inoffensive. He mostly just wanted to rub them, and occasionally get kneed in bed. Very meh experience.
You’re normal, you’re just not usual. Also foot fetish is, like, the most standard fetish at this point.
Plus which, feet can be sexy as hell.
I’m both of these people. I like foots. But also, I have terrible foot pain due to high arches, and have had mostly jobs where I’m on my feet for hours. I will talk insoles and inserts whenever possible, as a way of helping people with foot pain. What I do not do is have any interest in talking foot stuff as a kink/fetish. Kink and fetish are reserved for consensual bedroom (or camping) times. There’s no connection between the foot pain convos and the foot kink whenever that happens. People who try to stealth their way into nonconsensually getting people to play into their kink are creepy, and not good people.
Oh this is just fucking fantastic
You say this, but you’ve never seen me try to math
If you claim you have a religious for needing them back (reunification being pretty common, as in, you need them so you can be buried with them) then they will run their tests, and give them back to you if they’re not a hazard.
My brother used this to keep his gallbladder, and a friend of a friend kept her foot after diabetes took it. Both examples in Tennessee. I don’t know if it matters which state you’re in, but I’m positive the country would probably make a difference.
Plus, I think it’s funny the idea of some medical person somewhere trying to square their incredibly narrow view of religion with a trans woman being so devout in their own faith as to be concerned about burial practices potentially decades in the future, given the stereotype that everyone LGBTQ+ is an evil atheist.
I started using Linux in 2008. A friend of mine on an old forum showed me wubi and helped me get set up. When he went AWOL and stopped posting, I went on some Ubuntu forum and asked for help with a problem I was having (WiFi had stopped working randomly). Those people tore me apart and spit on my bloodied corpse. It was brutal. Apparently, I was a disgusting moron for using wubi instead of replacing windows (on my netbook with no disc drive) entirely. It was insane. I’ve since discovered that I’d just found a particularly toxic group by chance, and that most of the community is actually very kind. But at the time, it was genuinely hurtful. I not only stopped asking for help for a long time, I stopped learning about Linux and computers in general because I felt like it was something I’d never understand, I was clearly too stupid to get it.
Thank you so much!
I kind of want this framed on my wall. It’s perfect.
This has been my dream for years. I long for the day when science splices human DNA and pygmy marmoset DNA, creating tiny little borrower people. I will build them doll houses and ask for nothing in return. They will be too pure and good for capitalism, they must be provided for.
I’ve made it a point to use it whenever i would use ? And ! Together. It’s the best punctuation mark, and i want it to catch on so badly. Plus the name of it makes me guffaw and I dont know why.
I hope you’re getting royalties
Well… The world is a lie.
Does China use a compatible electrical system to us?
I’m imagining a red shirt just going for a spacewalk as the ship is trying to go to warp
It is pronounced Captain BOUQUET!
Honestly one of my favorite jokes. I love the stupid horse into a bar format, the misdirect that it’s going to be a deep philosophical joke, and the reveal reveal of a dad level pun.
I actually just used this a couple weeks ago in a discussion post for college.