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Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • On god, you cappin’ rn fr

    “Honestly, you are lying right now for real”

    A hater gets caught lackin’ in the crib and you think that’s my vibe

    “Someone who doesn’t like me get caught without enough to defend themselves in the house, and you think that what I’m about/like”

    Deadass, I’m bussin’.

    “…in all seriousness, I’m great/fantastic/amazing.”

  • Good use of the Heisenberg Uncertainty principal of quantum mechanics near the end of your comment (the more we can know about speed, the less we can know about position)… And of course it’s always fun to see the word qualia being used.

    Personally I think we’re a meat glitch. That is to say, the survival of our biology is aided by having predictive models of threats, pattern seeking and problem solving capacities (what to do about such threats), and some sense of mappable logic/reason (which solutions are best), all of which requires coordination (a story to help make choices)… But we’re essentially a meat glitch.

    This internal illusion of possessing consciousness may have evolved in order to aid long term survival, and perhaps to reproduce and do the other things life forms do… I think Data and Dr. Crusher discuss the definition of life at some point, detailing the requisite processes… Having an identity isn’t listed as one.

    I believe it’s been theorised that some species seem to act more as hives, there have even been some examples of humans being able to act in hive like ways. The technologist Kevin Kelly wrote about some of this in the 90s giving an example where a crowd could hold up a red or green sided paddle to play a game of ping pong on a big screen… One side of the room vs the other… Green paddles being a way to beckon the on-screen paddle to that location. The game was playable and seemingly coordinated just by having the feedback loop of the screen and the crowd, that was enough to create an overwhelming sense of shared willful and purposeful behaviour.

    Most of us place our identity within ourselves as individuals, some learn to place it within their families. Richard Dawkins seems to believe it’s actually at the level of the genes (makes that case in his book the selfish gene)… But the fact that we can to some degree place identity in different ways and locations suggests something of its unreality… Of course whose in control of that, and whether shifting it can be willful and comfortable, let alone controlled by a transporter chief is another question.

  • Doesn’t it Galileo’s transporter you?

    …takes the you matter and dissolves it into a stream of particles which are reassembled in a different location, so when transport is 50% done, you’re in two places at once (whilst the “plan” for you is in the pattern buffer, don’t know where the matter is exactly)… i mean, it forms you into a beam of molecules right? Beams you up.

    At one point there’s a Barkley episode and he seems conscious for most of the process, just in a kind of super position.

    After the half way point, there’s more “you” in the destination than in the original location…so who are you? Where are you?

    Then again, we know that accidents and reflections can be produced… So maybe I’m wrong and new matter/particles are being introduced otherwise how would Tom Riker exist…

    …I mean, after all, Tuvix wasn’t twice as dense as your average crew member.

    Anyways, Dr. Polaski supposedly has McCoy’s attitude towards transporters. However I think even she gave in here and there, as did McCoy.