Six sided devops engineer and baseball fan

I am also @[email protected], but this is my primary and more active account. The account is for ecology and stuff

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • So construction waste is a subcategory of industrial waste. Typical industrial waste includes toxic materials like excess cement, fiberglass, bits of plastic from wires and cables. But once the data center is in place, most likely the waste will be e-waste in nature. Think heavy metals, copper, and yet more plastic. And the thing is… This is why they’re putting this data center here. Disposing of this toxic waste will be cheaper because it’s less regulated. The long term cost of high tech industries like this to neo-colonialized communities like this is the communities themselves. It doesn’t matter to Microsoft they’re making the water undrinkable. They don’t have to live there.

    And realize, too. Bill Gates’ philanthropic missions aren’t accidents. He may not run the show at Microsoft anymore but he still benefits greatly from their business. His philanthropic efforts aren’t about making the lives of people who are exploited better. They’re about maintaining that cheap form of labor just a little bit longer. And that may not be Bill Gates’ actual intention, but the fact of the matter is he’s a billionaire. He could make much larger changes in the world by not being a billionaire. He has power and influence to do things the rest of us can’t, but instead of treating the illness he treats the symptoms. His actions sustain the system he benefits from

  • Personally I think Harris is riding a wave of the uprising of hope. She is not driving it, but she has managed to tap into it and to give people who believe in the power of breaking free of pessimism a candidate who at least plays lip service to hopefulness even if here core values remain the typical doom and gloom. In many ways she’s an updated version of Barrack Obama: aware of social issues and willing to engage with them, ultimately a neoliberal conservative. Unfortunately, this year, this is the best we’re gonna get so a lot of people involved in the uprising of hope are going to, and should, vote for her. Its just we need to keep this all going. We need to vote in local elections for candidates who will give us superior voting systems to first past the pole, and we need to continue demonstrating in the streets for the decolonization of earth. Kamala wants us to shut up, and the democrats want to tell us the DNC isn’t the right time to protest for the end of genocide. We need to show them they can’t shut us down that easy. But we also need to avoid a Donald Trump presidency at all costs. So keep telling Kamala she’s wrong about Israel. But also do vote for her. But then also make her presidency difficult without recognizing that sending F-35s to Israel is a subversion of the will of the people

  • And remember. When someone older than you says “aspergers” they’re probably misinformed and they think they’re using the gentler more correct term. Be gentle in correcting them that we don’t prefer or use that term anymore because it was coined by a doctor who sent anyone he diagnosed with it to death camps. It is rooted in a hateful label and autism spectrum disorder is the gentler preferred term.

    Trust me, its a way better way to get the point across and effect change. I speak from the personal experience of being 25 when I was told “oriental” is a racist and hateful term. I’d grown up all my life being told it was more respectful and kinder to call someone oriental than Asian. It was “common knowledge” throughout the northeast that entire time. But that wasn’t where I grew up

    I encounter a lot of people both in person and online who think because they know something and its common knowledge in their communities that it must be common knowledge everywhere, and that just simply isn’t true. Change and information reaches different communities and different times. Everyone lives in social bubbles and the internet has done more to reinforce this than it has to deconstruct our bubbles

  • I mean… Not YouTube specifically but YouTube is representative of why us programmers are unhappy. The era of feeling like the tech industry and the internet are making the world better is over. All of them media platforms exist to co-opt our social interactions and replace them with ads for microwavable meals. They’re spying on us, and for what? They control major elements of how we live out lives, and WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY EVEN GAIN? A lot of them are going bankrupt because it wasn’t profitable. Their ads are less effective than the oldest forms of advertising. Ultimately, these platforms were about control, not about… Any other stated goal. And us programmer? We got tricked into thinking we were developing platforms to connect people and create a global culture of interconnectedness. Turns out we were building the infrastructure to implement genocide